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Division of district metered areas (DMAs) in a part of water supply network using WaterGEMS (Bentley) software: a case study
Applied Water Science ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s13201-022-01688-2
B. Kowalska , P. Suchorab , D. Kowalski

Designing of District metered areas (DMA) schemes is a key element in developing a technique for detecting and removing unreported leaks in a water distribution system (WDS) called active leakage control. The design of DMA is very specific to individual networks’ hydraulic and often constitutes one area with pressure managed zones. This paper presents the division of a selected water supply network zone into DMA areas. Based on the spatial distribution of the flow rate and the geometrical structure of the network (routes, pipe diameters, existing gate valves) in the analyzed water supply zone, the main transmission trunks were separated (DN150 ÷ DN500 diameter range) and were excluded from the division into metering areas. DMA areas were separated from the remaining parts of the network, using the district metered areas module, supporting the division of water supply networks into metering zones, available in the WaterGEMS software by Bentley. The number of nodes in the area was 200 as the main criterion for separating DMAs. The separated areas were combined into 3 main DMA zones, in which the sum of the pipe lengths varied between 2500 ÷ 3800 m. For each of the DMAs, the water supply route was determined individually, seeking a one-sided inflow to the isolated area. In two out of three cases, this goal has been achieved. In the third case, it turned out necessary to provide two-sided water inflow. The analysis of the correct operation of DMAs was based on the hydraulic modeling of WDS.


使用 WaterGEMS (Bentley) 软件在部分供水网络中划分区域计量区域 (DMA):案例研究

区域计量区域 (DMA) 方案的设计是开发用于检测和消除配水系统 (WDS) 中未报告的泄漏(称为主动泄漏控制)的技术的关键要素。DMA 的设计非常针对单个管网的水力,通常构成一个具有压力管理区的区域。本文介绍了将选定的供水管网区域划分为 DMA 区域。根据分析的供水区流量的空间分布和管网的几何结构(路线、管径、现有闸阀),将主要输电干线分开(DN150÷DN500直径范围)并排除在外划分为计量区域。DMA 区域与网络的其余部分分离,使用区域计量区域模块,支持将供水网络划分为计量区域,可在 Bentley 的 WaterGEMS 软件中使用。该区域的节点数为 200 个作为划分 DMA 的主要标准。分离的区域被合并为 3 个主要的 DMA 区域,其中管道长度的总和在 2500 ÷ 3800 m 之间变化。对于每个 DMA,供水路线都是单独确定的,寻求向隔离区域的一侧流入。在三分之二的情况下,这个目标已经实现。在第三种情况下,事实证明有必要提供两侧进水。DMA 正确运行的分析基于 WDS 的水力模型。分离的区域被合并为 3 个主要的 DMA 区域,其中管道长度的总和在 2500 ÷ 3800 m 之间变化。对于每个 DMA,供水路线都是单独确定的,寻求向隔离区域的一侧流入。在三分之二的情况下,这个目标已经实现。在第三种情况下,事实证明有必要提供两侧进水。DMA 正确运行的分析基于 WDS 的水力模型。分离的区域被合并为 3 个主要的 DMA 区域,其中管道长度的总和在 2500 ÷ 3800 m 之间变化。对于每个 DMA,供水路线都是单独确定的,寻求向隔离区域的一侧流入。在三分之二的情况下,这个目标已经实现。在第三种情况下,事实证明有必要提供两侧进水。DMA 正确运行的分析基于 WDS 的水力模型。
