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Responses to time pressure on phrase-final melodies in varieties of Dutch and West Frisian
Journal of Phonetics ( IF 2.440 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.wocn.2022.101150
Judith Hanssen, Jörg Peters, Carlos Gussenhoven

In order to investigate the effect of time pressure on the execution of falling and falling-rising pitch movements on phrase-final syllables, we ran a production experiment with 119 speakers distributed over five regional varieties of West-Germanic spoken in the Netherlands and Standard Dutch. They realized nuclear Falls and Fall-Rises on four IP-final monosyllabic target words in which the duration of the sonorant portion of the syllable rhyme was varied by combining a short and a long vowel with a sonorant and obstruent coda consonant. The different contours were elicited with the help of a ‘Statement’ dialogue and a ‘Rhetorical question’ dialogue, respectively. Phonetic adjustments fell into three categories, target undershoot, increased f0 slopes, and durational easing, the latter either by f0 target retraction or sonorant rhyme lengthening. Talkers produced monosyllabic Fall-Rises quite generally, although avoidance in favour of a plain rising contour was evident in one-fifth of the cases of the shortest sonorant rhyme in the more prestigious varieties. Broadly, southwestern Zeelandic Dutch and northeastern Low Saxon differed most noticeably from each other in their treatment of the valley of the Fall-Rise, which Zeelandic maximally undershot and Low Saxon faithfully preserved. Urban Hollandic and Standard Dutch were similar, while West Frisian shares some features with Hollandic and some with Low Saxon.

Apart from these effects of geographic contiguity, the data argue for an interpretation of the various measures alleviating time pressure within the more general conception of speech as a compromise between the interests of the speaker and those of the hearer in the process of speech communication.



为了研究时间压力对短语结尾音节执行下降和上升音高运动的影响,我们对分布在荷兰西日耳曼语和标准荷兰语的五个区域变体的 119 名演讲者进行了制作实验. 他们在四个 IP 结尾的单音节目标词上实现了核心的 Falls 和 Fall-Rises,其中音节韵的响亮部分的持续时间通过将一个短元音和一个长元音与一个响亮和阻塞的尾辅音相结合来改变。分别在“陈述”对话和“修辞问题”对话的帮助下引出了不同的轮廓。语音调整分为三类,目标下冲、增加 f0 斜率和持续缓和,后者通过 f0 目标回缩或响韵延长。说话者一般都会产生单音节的Fall-Rises,尽管在更负盛名的变体中,有五分之一的最短响韵韵律明显避免使用简单的上升轮廓。从广义上讲,西兰荷兰语西南部和下撒克逊东北部在处理 Fall-Rise 山谷方面的差异最为明显,泽兰人最大程度地低于该山谷,而下撒克逊人忠实地保存了该山谷。城市荷兰语和标准荷兰语相似,而西弗里斯兰语与荷兰语有一些共同点,而与低撒克逊语有一些共同点。Zeelandic Dutch 西南部和 Low Saxon 东北部在处理 Fall-Rise 山谷方面最明显不同,Zeelandic 最大程度地低于该山谷,而 Low Saxon 忠实地保存了该山谷。城市荷兰语和标准荷兰语相似,而西弗里斯兰语与荷兰语有一些共同点,而与低撒克逊语有一些共同点。Zeelandic Dutch 西南部和 Low Saxon 东北部在处理 Fall-Rise 山谷方面最明显不同,Zeelandic 最大程度地低于该山谷,而 Low Saxon 忠实地保存了该山谷。城市荷兰语和标准荷兰语相似,而西弗里斯兰语与荷兰语有一些共同点,而与低撒克逊语有一些共同点。

