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Inaugural Greetings from NPI Chairman
Asia-Pacific Review Pub Date : 2022-05-18 , DOI: 10.1080/13439006.2022.2050547
Aso Taro

The chairmanship at Nakasone Peace Institute (NPI) had been vacant since the passing in 2019 of founder and former Chairman Nakasone Yasuhiro. On October 22, 2021, Aso Taro was elected to the post of Chairman of Nakasone Peace Institute. Today, when Japan and the world are facing various challenges in such areas as security, politics and economics, and environmental issues, strong leadership is required above all. Since his first election as a member of the House of Representatives in 1979, Chairman Aso has served as Minister for Foreign Affairs and Prime Minister, after having served as Minister of State, Economic and Fiscal Policy, and Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications. Previous to these posts he led as minister and chairman of multiple other ministries and agencies in the areas of finance, fiscal policy, commerce and industry, and education, among others. With this wealth of political experience, it is hoped that, led by the new Chairman, NPI will formulate policy proposals that contribute to the peace and prosperity of Japan and the world.



自 2019 年创始人兼前任会长中曾根康弘逝世以来,中曾根和平研究所 (NPI) 的主席职位一直空缺。On October 22, 2021, Aso Taro was elected to the post of Chairman of Nakasone Peace Institute. 今天,当日本和世界在安全、政治和经济以及环境问题等领域面临各种挑战时,首先需要强有力的领导。自1979年首次选举众议院议员以来,ASO主席曾担任国务卿,经济和财政政策部长以及内政和通讯部长,曾担任外交部长和总理。在担任这些职位之前,他曾担任财政、财政政策、商业和工业领域的多个其他部委和机构的部长和主席,和教育等。凭借丰富的政治经验,希望在新会长的带领下,NPI能够制定有助于日本和世界和平与繁荣的政策建议。
