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Motivations underpinning honeybee management practices: A Q methodology study with UK beekeepers
Ambio ( IF 6.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-19 , DOI: 10.1007/s13280-022-01736-w
Fay Kahane 1 , Juliet Osborne 1 , Sarah Crowley 1 , Rosalind Shaw 1

Beekeepers are central to pollinator health. For policymakers and beekeeping organisations to develop widely accepted strategies to sustain honeybee populations alongside wild pollinators, a structured understanding of beekeeper motivations is essential. UK beekeepers are increasing in number, with diverse management styles despite calls for coordinated practice to manage honeybee health. Our Q methodology study in Cornwall, UK, indicated five beekeeping perspectives; conventional hobbyists, natural beekeepers, black bee farmers, new-conventional hobbyists and pragmatic bee farmers. Motivations can be shared across perspectives but trade-offs (notably between economic, social responsibility and ideological motivations) result in differing practices, some of which counter ‘official’ UK advice and may have implications for pollinator health and competition. Honeybee conservation emerged as a key motivator behind non-conventional practices, but wild pollinator conservation was not prioritised by most beekeepers in practice. Q methodology has the potential to facilitate non-hierarchical collaboration and conceptualisation of sustainable beekeeping, moving towards co-production of knowledge to influence policy.


支持蜜蜂管理实践的动机:与英国养蜂人的 AQ 方法研究

养蜂人是传粉者健康的核心。对于政策制定者和养蜂组织制定广泛接受的策略来维持蜜蜂种群和野生授粉媒介,对养蜂人动机的结构化理解至关重要。英国养蜂人的数量正在增加,尽管要求采取协调一致的做法来管理蜜蜂健康,但其管理方式却多种多样。我们在英国康沃尔的 Q 方法研究表明了五个养蜂观点;传统爱好者、天然养蜂人、黑蜂农、新传统爱好者和务实的蜂农。动机可以跨观点共享,但权衡取舍(特别是在经济、社会责任和意识形态动机之间)会导致不同的实践,其中一些与英国的“官方”建议相反,可能对传粉者的健康和竞争产生影响。蜜蜂保护成为非传统做法背后的关键动力,但野生传粉媒介保护并非如此在实践中被大多数养蜂人优先考虑。Q 方法有可能促进可持续养蜂业的非等级合作和概念化,朝着共同生产知识的方向发展以影响政策。
