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ECOSTRESS reveals pre-fire vegetation controls on burn severity for Southern California wildfires of 2020
Global Ecology and Biogeography ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-16 , DOI: 10.1111/geb.13526
Madeleine Pascolini‐Campbell 1 , Christine Lee 1 , Natasha Stavros 2 , Joshua B. Fisher 3

Topography, climate and plant water stress influence the spatial patterns of burn severity (damage to soils and vegetation associated with wildfires); however, the relative importance of these predictors remains contested. We hypothesized that high-resolution pre-fire vegetation water stress, measured using evapotranspiration (ET), evaporative stress index (ESI) and water use efficiency (WUE), are strong predictors of burn severity.


ECOSTRESS 揭示了 2020 年南加州野火烧伤严重程度的火灾前植被控制

地形、气候和植物水分胁迫影响烧伤严重程度的空间格局(与野火相关的土壤和植被破坏);然而,这些预测因素的相对重要性仍然存在争议。我们假设高分辨率火灾前植被水分胁迫(使用蒸散量 (ET)、蒸发胁迫指数 (ESI) 和水分利用效率 (WUE) 测量)是烧伤严重程度的有力预测指标。