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Condominium management in a low-income housing project: the case of the Conjunto Rubens Lara in Cubatão/São Paulo
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment ( IF 2.033 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-17 , DOI: 10.1007/s10901-022-09949-x
Débora de Camargo Cavalheiro , Alex Kenya Abiko

The construction of multi-family residential buildings to provide affordable housing solutions has led to the need to find ways to manage the common areas and other communal facilities in these collective housing developments. Residents who are accustomed to single-family housing often find it difficult to adapt to a more communal way of life. This article describes a case study aimed at evaluating the condominium management and its satisfaction components in a multi-family housing complex built in the Baixada Santista Metropolitan Region in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, to accommodate families relocated from favelas. The study involved applying questionnaires to residents and condominium managers (síndicos), and conducting a series of interviews with community leaders and professionals from public agencies and the condominium management sector, as well as field visits. Multivariate analysis and measurement uncertainty were used to assess the relationship between variables. The study confirmed that the question of buildings maintenance plays a major role in condominium issues since, as well as putting whole complexes and residents at risk, maintenance involves engineering and administrative aspects likely to generate future costs if not appropriately carried out. Although the case study focuses on a project acclaimed by government agencies and some experts as a good example of affordable social housing, we found that the development has drawbacks similar to those found in the literature, such as interpersonal relationship difficulties, problems of cultural and financial adaptation to the condominium model, maintainability issues, and the occurrence of construction defects, among others.


低收入住房项目中的公寓管理:Cubatão/圣保罗的 Conjunto Rubens Lara 案例

建造多户住宅楼以提供经济适用房解决方案导致需要找到管理这些集体住房开发项目中的公共区域和其他公共设施的方法。习惯于单户住宅的居民往往发现很难适应更加公共的生活方式。本文描述了一个案例研究,旨在评估在巴西圣保罗州 Baixada Santista 都会区建造的多户住宅区的公寓管理及其满意度组成部分,以容纳从贫民窟搬迁的家庭。该研究涉及对居民和公寓管理人员进行问卷调查(síndicos),并与来自公共机构和公寓管理部门的社区领袖和专业人士进行了一系列访谈,以及实地考察。多变量分析和测量不确定性用于评估变量之间的关系。该研究证实,建筑物维护问题在公寓问题中起着重要作用,因为除了将整个综合体和居民置于风险之外,维护还涉及工程和行政方面,如果不适当执行,可能会产生未来的成本。虽然案例研究的重点是一个被政府机构和一些专家称赞为经济适用房的好例子的项目,但我们发现该开发项目存在与文献中相似的缺点,例如人际关系困难,
