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The pertinence and feasibility of implementing a plurilingual approach in Quebec, Canada: the beliefs of pre-service ESL teachers
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism ( IF 3.165 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-12 , DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2022.2072681
Zeina Maatouk 1 , Caroline Payant 1


The field of language pedagogy has increasingly advocated for the implementation of plurilingual approaches which promote learners’ ability to mobilize all linguistic resources at their disposal in order to communicate in different situations with various interlocutors [Cabré Rocafort 2019. “The Development of Plurilingual Education Through Multimodal Narrative Reflection in Teacher Education: A Case Study of a Pre-Service Teacher’s Beliefs About Language Education.” Canadian Modern Language Review 75 (1): 40–64; Coste, Moore, and Zarate 2009. Plurilingual and Pluricultural Competence.]. The implementation of such approaches, however, relies greatly on teachers’ openness and ability to help their learners explore their linguistic and cultural repertoires. To date, the beliefs of pre-service teachers (PSTs) in Quebec regarding the implementation of plurilingual approaches remain under-researched. This exploratory study aimed at examining the beliefs of future teachers regarding the pertinence and feasibility of implementing a plurilingual approach, as well as the impact of teacher education and previous language learning experiences on these beliefs. An online questionnaire was shared with undergraduate ESL teacher education programs across the province of Quebec and answers from 52 PSTs were collected and analyzed. Results suggest that future teachers were reluctant to implement a plurilingual approach, despite holding positive beliefs towards certain underlying principles of plurilingualism. Findings also indicate that PSTs are heavily encouraged, during teacher education, to maintain a monolingual class policy. Pedagogical implications are discussed in light of research on plurilingualism and PSTs’ beliefs.


在加拿大魁北克实施多语种方法的针对性和可行性:职前 ESL 教师的信念


语言教育学领域越来越多地提倡实施多语言方法,以提高学习者调动所有语言资源的能力,以便在不同情况下与各种对话者进行交流[Cabré Rocafort 2019。“通过多模式发展多语言教育教师教育中的叙事反思:职前教师对语言教育的信念的案例研究。加拿大现代语言评论75 (1): 40–64; Coste、Moore 和 Zarate 2009。多语言和多文化能力.]。然而,这些方法的实施很大程度上依赖于教师的开放性和帮助学生探索他们的语言和文化曲目的能力。迄今为止,魁北克的职前教师 (PST) 关于实施多语种方法的信念仍未得到充分研究。这项探索性研究旨在检验未来教师对实施多语种方法的针对性和可行性的看法,以及教师教育和以前的语言学习经验对这些看法的影响。在线问卷与魁北克省的本科 ESL 教师教育项目共享,并收集和分析了 52 个 PST 的答案。结果表明,未来的教师不愿意实施多语种方法,尽管对多语制的某些基本原则持有积极的信念。调查结果还表明,在教师教育期间,强烈鼓励 PST 保持单语课堂政策。根据对多语言和 PST 信仰的研究,讨论了教学意义。
