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Foreign language learning boredom and enjoyment: The effects of learner variables and teacher variables
Language Teaching Research ( IF 3.401 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-10 , DOI: 10.1177/13621688221090324
Chengchen Li 1

The past decade has witnessed a surge of research interest in diverse emotions that foreign/second language (L2) learners experience. However, research on L2 boredom is just starting. The current study focuses on foreign language learning boredom (FLLB) and foreign language enjoyment (FLE), and examines how they are associated with a wide range of learner-internal variables and teacher-centered variables. A total of 868 current university students in China studying English as a foreign language (FL) participated in a questionnaire survey. Correlation results show the following: (1) there was a strong negative correlation between FLE and FLLB; (2) FLE was positively linked to multiple learner-internal variables (self-perceived FL proficiency, relative standing among peers, attitudes towards the FL, the teacher, and FL-related culture) and teacher-related variables (the use of FL in class, enthusiasm, predictability, and friendliness), while negatively linked to learner age and onset age of FL learning; (3) these significant correlates of FLE were linked to FLLB in an opposite way. When the significant variables were entered into the regression models, attitudes toward the FL stood out as the strongest learner-internal predictor of both FLE and FLLB, while teacher friendliness was shown to be the strongest teacher-related predictor of both emotions. The findings show that FL emotions are contingent on the interplay between learners and teachers. In accordance with the findings, I recommend that enjoyment-boosting and boredom-reducing activities be incorporated into FL classrooms.



过去十年见证了对外语/第二语言 (L2) 学习者所经历的各种情绪的研究兴趣激增。然而,关于 L2 无聊的研究才刚刚开始。目前的研究侧重于外语学习无聊(FLLB)和外语享受(FLE),并研究它们如何与广泛的学习者内部变量和以教师为中心的变量相关联。共有868名在读英语作为外语(FL)的在校大学生参加了问卷调查。相关结果表明:(1)FLE与FLLB呈强负相关;(2) FLE 与多个学习者内部变量(自我感知的 FL 熟练度、同伴之间的相对地位、对 FL 的态度、老师、和外语相关的文化)和教师相关的变量(课堂上外语的使用、热情、可预测性和友好性),同时与学习者年龄和外语学习的起始年龄负相关;(3) FLE 的这些显着相关性与 FLLB 以相反的方式相关联。当重要变量进入回归模型时,对 FL 的态度是 FLE 和 FLLB 的最强的学习者内部预测因子,而教师友善被证明是两种情绪的最强的教师相关预测因子。研究结果表明,外语情绪取决于学习者和教师之间的相互作用。根据调查结果,我建议将提高乐趣和减少无聊的活动纳入 FL 课堂​​。和友善),而与学习者年龄和外语学习的开始年龄呈负相关;(3) FLE 的这些显着相关性与 FLLB 以相反的方式相关联。当重要变量进入回归模型时,对 FL 的态度是 FLE 和 FLLB 的最强的学习者内部预测因子,而教师友善被证明是两种情绪的最强的教师相关预测因子。研究结果表明,外语情绪取决于学习者和教师之间的相互作用。根据调查结果,我建议将提高乐趣和减少无聊的活动纳入 FL 课堂​​。和友善),而与学习者年龄和外语学习的开始年龄呈负相关;(3) FLE 的这些显着相关性与 FLLB 以相反的方式相关联。当重要变量进入回归模型时,对 FL 的态度是 FLE 和 FLLB 的最强的学习者内部预测因子,而教师友善被证明是两种情绪的最强的教师相关预测因子。研究结果表明,外语情绪取决于学习者和教师之间的相互作用。根据调查结果,我建议将提高乐趣和减少无聊的活动纳入 FL 课堂​​。当重要变量进入回归模型时,对 FL 的态度是 FLE 和 FLLB 的最强的学习者内部预测因子,而教师友善被证明是两种情绪的最强的教师相关预测因子。研究结果表明,外语情绪取决于学习者和教师之间的相互作用。根据调查结果,我建议将提高乐趣和减少无聊的活动纳入 FL 课堂​​。当重要变量进入回归模型时,对 FL 的态度是 FLE 和 FLLB 的最强的学习者内部预测因子,而教师友善被证明是两种情绪的最强的教师相关预测因子。研究结果表明,外语情绪取决于学习者和教师之间的相互作用。根据调查结果,我建议将提高乐趣和减少无聊的活动纳入 FL 课堂​​。
