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Integrating time into stigma and health research.
Nature reviews psychology Pub Date : 2022-03-07 , DOI: 10.1038/s44159-022-00034-2
Valerie A Earnshaw 1 , Ryan J Watson 2 , Lisa A Eaton 2 , Natalie M Brousseau 3 , Jean-Philippe Laurenceau 4 , Annie B Fox 5

Stigma changes over time: it waxes and wanes through history, is manifested within humans who develop over time and is tied to statuses (such as attributes, illnesses and identities) that have varying courses. Despite the inherent fluidity of stigma, theories, research and interventions typically treat associations between stigma and health as stagnant. Consequently, the literature provides little insight into when experiences of stigma are most harmful to health and when stigma interventions should be implemented. In this Perspective, we argue that integrating time into stigma research can accelerate progress towards understanding and intervening in associations between stigma and health inequities. We situate time in relation to key concepts in stigma research, identify three timescales that are relevant for understanding stigma (historical context, human development and status course), and outline a time-based research agenda to improve scientists' ability to understand and address stigma to improve health.


