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Perpetration, impunity, and irreconciliation in Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Commission on Indian Residential Schools
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute ( IF 1.673 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-02 , DOI: 10.1111/1467-9655.13755
Ronald Niezen 1

The influence of institutional mandates on knowledge can be seen particularly clearly in the preferences and absences of truth and reconciliation commission (TRC) proceedings. A recent trend in TRCs involves a shift away from the exercise of judicial powers and the quest for justice and towards more concern with affirming the experience of victims or ‘Survivors’. Canada's TRC on Indian Residential Schools illustrates the consequences of the shift towards victim-centrism, which left gaps in knowledge – particularly about perpetrators – that was conveyed to the commission and produced conditions of impunity for those responsible for mass harm. This impunity coalesced into irreconciliation as the commission gave voice to people who had been forgotten, marginalized, and given little chance in life, while leaving out of the picture those who had actually stolen their lives and dignity.



在真相与和解委员会 (TRC) 程序的偏好和缺席中,可以特别清楚地看到机构授权对知识的影响。真相与和解委员会最近的一个趋势是从行使司法权力和寻求正义转向更加关注确认受害者或“幸存者”的经历。加拿大关于印度寄宿学校的 TRC 说明了向受害者中心主义转变的后果,这种转变留下了知识上的空白——尤其是关于肇事者的知识——被传达给委员会,并为那些对大规模伤害负责的人造成了有罪不罚的条件。当委员会向那些被遗忘、被边缘化、生活机会渺茫的人发声时,这种有罪不罚的情况演变成不和解,