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Alpha oscillations related to self-other integration and distinction during live orchestral performance: A naturalistic case study
Psychology of Music ( IF 1.904 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-29 , DOI: 10.1177/03057356221091313
Justin Christensen 1 , Lauren Slavik 1 , Jennifer J Nicol 2 , Janeen D Loehr 1

Ensemble music performance requires musicians to achieve precise interpersonal coordination while maintaining autonomous control over their own actions. To do so, musicians dynamically shift between integrating other performers’ actions into their own action plans and maintaining a distinction between their own and others’ actions. Research in laboratory settings has shown that this dynamic process of self-other integration and distinction is indexed by sensorimotor alpha oscillations. The purpose of the current descriptive case study was to examine oscillations related to self-other integration and distinction in a naturalistic performance context. We measured alpha activity from four violinists during a concert hall performance of a 60-musician orchestra. We selected a musical piece from the orchestra’s repertoire and, before analyzing alpha activity, performed a score analysis to divide the piece into sections that were expected to strongly promote self-other integration and distinction. In line with previous laboratory findings, performers showed suppressed and enhanced alpha activity during musical sections that promoted self-other integration and distinction, respectively. The current study thus provides preliminary evidence that findings from carefully controlled laboratory experiments generalize to complex real-world performance. Its findings also suggest directions for future research and potential applications of interest to musicians, music educators, and music therapists.



合奏音乐表演需要音乐家在保持对自己行为的自主控制的同时实现精确的人际协调。为此,音乐家动态地在将其他表演者的行为整合到他们自己的行动计划和保持他们自己和他人的行为之间的区别之间动态转换。实验室环境中的研究表明,这种自我整合和区分的动态过程是由感觉运动 alpha 振荡指示的。当前描述性案例研究的目的是检查与自然主义表现背景下的自我-他人整合和区分相关的振荡。我们在 60 位音乐家管弦乐队的音乐厅表演中测量了四位小提琴手的阿尔法活动。我们从管弦乐队的曲目中选择了一首乐曲,在分析 alpha 活动之前,进行了分数分析,将作品分成预计会强烈促进自我-他人整合和区分的部分。与之前的实验室发现一致,表演者在音乐部分分别表现出抑制和增强的 alpha 活动,这些活动分别促进了自我整合和区分。因此,当前的研究提供了初步证据,表明精心控制的实验室实验的结果可以推广到复杂的现实世界性能。它的发现还为音乐家、音乐教育者和音乐治疗师的未来研究和潜在应用提出了方向。与之前的实验室发现一致,表演者在音乐部分分别表现出抑制和增强的 alpha 活动,这些活动分别促进了自我整合和区分。因此,当前的研究提供了初步证据,表明精心控制的实验室实验的结果可以推广到复杂的现实世界性能。它的发现还为音乐家、音乐教育者和音乐治疗师的未来研究和潜在应用提出了方向。与之前的实验室发现一致,表演者在音乐部分分别表现出抑制和增强的 alpha 活动,这些活动分别促进了自我整合和区分。因此,当前的研究提供了初步证据,表明精心控制的实验室实验的结果可以推广到复杂的现实世界性能。它的发现还为音乐家、音乐教育者和音乐治疗师的未来研究和潜在应用提出了方向。
