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Influence of yeast-based pre- and probiotics in lactation and nursery diets on nursery pig performance and antimicrobial resistance of fecal Escherichia coli
Journal of Animal Science ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-07 , DOI: 10.1093/jas/skac166
Jenna A Chance 1 , Joel M DeRouchey 1 , Raghavendra G Amachawadi 2 , Victor Ishengoma 2 , Tiruvoor G Nagaraja 3 , Robert D Goodband 1 , Jason C Woodworth 1 , Mike D Tokach 1 , Qing Kang 4 , Joseph A Loughmiller 5 , Brian Hotze 5 , Jordan T Gebhardt 3

Two experiments were conducted to determine the impact of various combinations of yeast-based direct fed microbials (DFM) in diets fed to nursery pigs weaned from sows fed lactation diets with or without yeast additives. In Exp. 1, 340 weaned pigs, initially 5.1 kg ± 0.02, were used to evaluate previous sow treatment (control vs yeast additives) and nursery diets with or without added yeast-based DFM on growth performance and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) patterns of fecal Escherichia coli. Treatments were arranged in a 2 × 2 factorial with main effects of sow treatment (control vs. yeast-based pre- and probiotic diet; 0.10% ActiSaf Sc 47 HR+ and 0.025% SafMannan, Phileo by Lesaffre, Milwaukee, WI) and nursery treatment (control vs. yeast-based pre- and probiotic diet; 0.10% ActiSaf Sc 47 HR+, 0.05% SafMannan, and 0.05% NucleoSaf from d 0 to 7, then concentrations were decreased by 50% from d 7 to 24) with 5 pigs per pen and 17 replications per treatment. Progeny from sows fed yeast additives had increased (P < 0.05) average daily gain (ADG) from d 0 to 24 and d 0 to 45. However, pigs that were fed yeast additives for the first 24 d in the nursery tended to have decreased d 0 to 45 ADG (P = 0.079). Fecal E. coli isolated from pigs from the sows fed yeast group had increased (P = 0.034) resistance to nalidixic acid and a tendency for increased resistance to ciprofloxacin (P = 0.065) and gentamicin (P = 0.054). Yet, when yeast additives were added in the nursery there was reduced (P < 0.05) fecal E. coli resistance to azithromycin and chloramphenicol. In Exp. 2, 330 weaned pigs, initially 5.8 kg ± 0.03, were used to evaluate diets with two different combinations of DFM on growth performance. Treatments were arranged in a 2 × 3 factorial with main effects of sow treatment (same as described in Exp. 1) and nursery treatment (control; YCW, 0.05% of SafMannan from d 0 to 38 and NucleoSaf at 0.05% from d 0 to 10 and 0.025% from d 10 to 24; or DFM, 0.10% MicroSaf-S from d 0 to 38 and NucleoSaf at 0.05% from d 0 to 10 and 0.025% from d 10 to 24) with 6 pigs per pen and 8 to 10 replications per treatment. From d 0 to 10 post-weaning, progeny of sows fed yeast additives had increased (P < 0.05) ADG and G:F. In conclusion, feeding sows yeast through lactation improved offspring growth performance in the nursery. While feeding live yeast and yeast extracts reduced nursery pig performance in Exp. 1, feeding DFM improved growth later in the nursery period in Exp. 2.



进行了两项实验,以确定基于酵母的直接饲喂微生物 (DFM) 的各种组合对饲喂从母猪断奶的哺乳期日粮中添加或不添加酵母添加剂的日粮的影响。在进出口。1, 340 头断奶仔猪,初始重量为 5.1 kg ± 0.02,用于评估之前的母猪处理(对照与酵母添加剂)和添加或不添加基于酵母的 DFM 的保育日粮对粪便大肠杆菌生长性能和抗菌素耐药性 (AMR) 模式的影响. 治疗以 2 × 2 阶乘形式排列,母猪治疗(对照与基于酵母的益生菌和益生菌饮食;0.10% ActiSaf Sc 47 HR+ 和 0.025% SafMannan,Phileo by Lesaffre,Milwaukee,WI)和保育治疗的主要影响(对照与基于酵母的益生菌和益生菌饮食;0.10% ActiSaf Sc 47 HR+、0.05% SafMannan 和 0.05% NucleoSaf 从第 0 天到第 7 天,然后从第 7 天到第 24 天,浓度降低 50%),每栏 5 头猪,每个处理重复 17 次。饲喂酵母添加剂的母猪后代的平均日增重 (ADG) 从第 0 天增加到第 24 天和第 0 天增加到第 45 天。然而,在保育舍的前 24 天饲喂酵母添加剂的猪往往有d 0 减少到 45 ADG (P = 0.079)。从饲喂酵母的母猪身上分离出的粪便大肠杆菌对萘啶酸的耐药性增加(P = 0.034),对环丙沙星(P = 0.065)和庆大霉素(P = 0.054)的耐药性也有增加的趋势。然而,当在苗圃中添加酵母添加剂时,粪便大肠杆菌对阿奇霉素和氯霉素的耐药性降低 (P < 0.05)。在进出口。2、断奶仔猪330头,初重5.8kg±0.03,用于评估具有两种不同 DFM 组合的饮食对生长性能的影响。治疗安排在 2 × 3 阶乘中,母猪治疗(与实验 1 中所述相同)和保育治疗(对照;YCW,0.05% 的 SafMannan 从第 0 天到第 38 天,0.05% 的 NucleoSaf 从第 0 天到10 和 0.025% 从第 10 到 24 天;或 DFM,0.10% MicroSaf-S 从第 0 到 38 天和 NucleoSaf 从第 0 到 10 天 0.05% 和从第 10 到 24 天 0.025%)每栏 6 头猪和 8 到每次处理重复 10 次。从断奶后第 0 天到第 10 天,饲喂酵母添加剂的母猪后代增加了 (P < 0.05) ADG 和 G:F。总之,通过哺乳喂养母猪酵母可改善后代在保育舍的生长性能。饲喂活酵母和酵母提取物会降低保育猪在实验中的表现。1、饲喂 DFM 在 Exp. 的育苗期后期改善了生长。2.