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A trait-based carbon export model for mesopelagic fishes in the Gulf of Mexico with consideration of asynchronous vertical migration, flux boundaries, and feeding guilds
Limnology and Oceanography ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-05 , DOI: 10.1002/lno.12093
Matthew S. Woodstock 1 , Tracey T. Sutton 2 , Yuying Zhang 1

Fish-mediated carbon export provides a significant proportion of the biological carbon pump in oligotrophic regions. Bioenergetic models estimate this carbon transport, but many lack species-specific traits and no carbon export model has been developed in the mesopelagic Gulf of Mexico. Intensive mesopelagic sampling efforts in the northern and eastern Gulf of Mexico have provided high-resolution information regarding community composition, species' vertical migratory characteristics, diel depth occupancies, and diets. A stochastic, individual-based model was developed for deep-pelagic fishes in the northern Gulf of Mexico to estimate bioenergetic rates and carbon export fluxes. Fishes that ate gelatinous zooplankton consumed more mass per body weight per day than predators of cephalopods and fishes, ostensibly to increase the throughput of prey with less carbon (gelata) or more refractory materials (Crustacea). A dynamic energy budget submodel indicated that during 81% of occurrences, asynchronous vertically migrating fishes rested for 1 d before migrating again, but migrations on successive days were possible. In terms of carbon export, myctophids and stomiids contributed greater than 53% and 12% of the active carbon flux for the entire assemblage in all scenarios. The assemblage-wide carbon export rate driven by vertically migrating fishes was 0.14–0.72 mg C m−2 d−1, 61% of the ingested carbon by the assemblage. Incorporating species-specific traits and individual variability in bioenergetic models allows for more complex research questions (e.g., the effect of feeding guilds and asynchronous migration on carbon export) compared to the carbon export models that otherwise assume all fishes within a functional group are equivalent.



鱼类介导的碳输出在贫营养地区提供了相当大比例的生物碳泵。生物能模型估计了这种碳传输,但许多模型缺乏物种特异性特征,并且在墨西哥湾中层海域没有开发出碳输出模型。在墨西哥湾北部和东部进行的密集中层采样工作提供了有关群落组成、物种垂直迁徙特征、昼夜深度占有率和饮食的高分辨率信息。为墨西哥湾北部的深海鱼类开发了一个基于个体的随机模型,以估计生物能率和碳输出通量。以凝胶状浮游动物为食的鱼类每天每体重消耗的质量比头足类和鱼类的捕食者多,表面上是用更少的碳(gelata)或更多的耐火材料(甲壳动物)来增加猎物的吞吐量。动态能量收支子模型表明,在 81% 的事件中,异步垂直洄游鱼类在再次洄游之前休息 1 d,但连续几天的洄游是可能的。在碳输出方面,myctophids 和 stomiids 在所有情景中贡献了超过 53% 和 12% 的整个组合的活性碳通量。由垂直洄游鱼类驱动的组合范围内的碳输出率为 0.14-0.72 mg C m 在碳输出方面,myctophids 和 stomiids 在所有情景中贡献了超过 53% 和 12% 的整个组合的活性碳通量。由垂直洄游鱼类驱动的组合范围内的碳输出率为 0.14-0.72 mg C m 在碳输出方面,myctophids 和 stomiids 在所有情景中贡献了超过 53% 和 12% 的整个组合的活性碳通量。由垂直洄游鱼类驱动的组合范围内的碳输出率为 0.14-0.72 mg C m-2 d -1,61% 的组合摄入的碳。与假设功能组内所有鱼类相同的碳输出模型相比,在生物能量模型中纳入物种特异性特征和个体变异性允许更复杂的研究问题(例如,饲养行会和异步迁移对碳输出的影响)。