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Communication in the Chaco World: A Consideration of Time and Labor Mobilization
American Antiquity ( IF 3.129 ) Pub Date : 2022-05-05 , DOI: 10.1017/aaq.2022.33
W. H. Wills 1 , Paulina F. Przystupa 2 , Katharine Williams 2

The construction of great houses during the Bonito Phase (ca. AD 850–1200) in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, required massive amounts of building material and efficient mobilization and coordination of large labor pools. We employ least cost path analysis (LCA) to explore the potential communication network among great house communities in the Chaco “core” area and its relevance in managing sustained labor for constructing great houses. The results suggest that that the primary sources of labor for communal building projects were agricultural communities located within one to three hours of the largest buildings in the canyon.



在新墨西哥州查科峡谷的鲣鱼阶段(约公元 850-1200 年)建造大房子需要大量的建筑材料以及对大量劳动力的有效动员和协调。我们采用最低成本路径分析 (LCA) 来探索查科“核心”地区的豪宅社区之间的潜在通信网络及其在管理持续劳动力以建造豪宅方面的相关性。结果表明,公共建筑项目的主要劳动力来源是位于峡谷中最大建筑物一到三个小时内的农业社区。
