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Information for Contributors
Public Administration Review ( IF 8.144 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-27 , DOI: 10.1111/puar.13505

About the Journal

Public Administration Review (PAR) is dedicated to advancing theory and practice in public administration. PAR serves a wide range of audiences globally. As the preeminent professional journal in public administration, Public Administration Review (PAR) strives to publish research that not only advances the science and theory of public administration, but also incorporates and addresses the realities of the practice of public administration.

The PAR editorial team takes pride in our rigorous review process. Although we strive for rigor, we also seek to provide quality service to our contributors. Operationally, this means we try to offer high quality, timely feedback. The standard time for full peer review is typically less than 90 days from receipt of a manuscript to an editor’s decision. If our internal editorial review concludes a manuscript is not suitable for full peer review, then we usually have a decision to authors within 14 days after submission of a manuscript.

As a professional journal, PAR encourages submissions from both scholar and practitioners. Regardless of the affiliations of our authors, our readers value research informed by practice and practice informed by research. Since its founding in 1940, PAR has regularly published articles contributed by practitioners.

We also encourage scholars and practitioners to consider co-authorship as a means for co-producing relevant, timely, and quality research. In addition to articles, PAR offers other opportunities for practitioners to share their knowledge and experience. These opportunities include our newest feature, Viewpoint, which shares salient practice-oriented research, and Book Reviews. More details about these features appear below.

PAR Features

Research Articles. PAR welcomes manuscripts using diverse theoretical and research frameworks about topics across the domain of public administration. Articles are expected to adhere to high-quality scientific standards and promote knowledge and understanding for professionals and practitioners interested in theory, empirical research, and salient developments in the field. Research topics appropriate for PAR encompass a broad domain, ranging from theoretical and empirical research about public organizations, policy analysis, evaluation research, and normative theory that explores value questions associated with public administration. To this end, PAR encourages submissions that emphasize these broader elements as well as pieces that have a particular focus, including, but not limited, to international and comparative research, and research syntheses.

International and comparative research that builds knowledge and theory that is useful for practitioners and scholars around the world is encouraged. PAR is dedicated to engaging the global public administration community through research that provides readers with opportunities to compare practices and processes and interpret international trends and developments in the field.

Research syntheses should apply a rigorous and critical assessment of a body of theory and empirical research, articulating what is known about a phenomenon and ways to advance research about the topic under review. Research syntheses should identify significant variables and effect sizes, a systematic and reproducible search strategy, and a clear framework for studies included in the larger analysis. Meta-analyses that statistically combine studies to determine an overall effect or effect size are encouraged.

All submissions should include three to five sentence-length takeaway points for readers that provide Evidence for Practice. Articles from practitioners or co-authored by practitioners and scholars are welcome. Authors should submit manuscripts electronically through PAR’s online submission portal – Editorial Manager (http://www.editorialmanager.com/par). NOTE: Beginning January 2018, PAR will no longer commission research under the Perspectives, Commentaries, Evidence in Public Administration, Administrative Profiles features. Rather we will consider such pieces as either stand-alone research articles or, where appropriate, as articles eligible for the Viewpoint feature. Further inquiries regarding submission of articles should be addressed to Jeremy L. Hall (editor@publicadministrationreview.com).

Viewpoint. Academics and practitioners have different audiences, viewpoints, interests, intellectual approaches, research methods, and styles of discourse. These differences may prove critical for ASPA as a relevant professional forum and for promoting greater connectedness in public administration settings. PAR serves as a critical instrument for bridging these differences, and is ­committed to engaging the practice community in a new way to increase involvement and participation. PAR seeks manuscripts from key stakeholders and/or organizations that are attuned to the problems and concerns confronting their constituents in large numbers.

PAR encourages key groups from the practitioner community to submit research from their organizations that may be pertinent to the broader PAR and ASPA audience. Viewpoint will begin with the January/February 2018 issue and will feature the writings of ­prominent practitioners on topics of importance. Manuscripts should be 2,000–3,000 words in length and actively engage both scholars and practitioners in a timely dialogue on cutting-edge topics, service innovation, and problems and constraints ­ facing their stakeholders. Further inquiries regarding proposals and submissions should be addressed to Viewpoint Editors Stephen E. Condrey (steve@condrey-consulting.com) and Tonya E. Thornton (tneaves@gmu.edu).

Book Reviews. The Book Review feature aims to engage scholars and practitioners in a lively discussion of books that take on timely topics, advances in theory and/or practice, service innovation, and problems and constraints facing public administration and policy stakeholders. The PAR Book Review feature takes a broad view of the field of public administration, and welcomes reviews of books published outside the United States. The PAR Book Review section aims to engage our audience in a critical discussion of the work of contemporary authors that represents the diverse field of public administration. Book reviews should strive for clarity, conciseness, and timeliness. Length of manuscripts should be appropriate to content. Review articles that bring together a number of books are encouraged. Please follow the same style instructions as those noted for regular manuscripts.

Anyone interested in submitting a book review or suggesting a book for review should contact Galia Cohen, Tarleton State University (cohen@tarleton.edu).

Copyright Notice. Authors will be required to assign copyright of their article to the American Society for Public Administration. Copyright assignment is a condition of publication and articles cannot proceed through production unless copyright has been assigned. Upon receipt of a manuscript, Wiley’s Author Services systems will provide instructions to the corresponding author for completion of the license agreement.




公共行政评论( PAR ) 致力于推进公共行政的理论和实践。PAR为全球范围内的广泛受众提供服务。作为公共行政领域卓越的专业期刊,《公共行政评论》PAR)致力于发表研究,不仅推动公共行政科学和理论的发展,而且纳入和解决公共行政实践的现实。

PAR编辑团队为我们严格的审查过程感到自豪。尽管我们力求严谨,但我们也力求为我们的贡献者提供优质的服务。在操作上,这意味着我们尝试提供高质量、及时的反馈。全面同行评审的标准时间通常是从收到稿件到编辑做出决定不到 90 天。如果我们的内部编辑审查认为稿件不适合进行全面同行评审,那么我们通常会在提交稿件后的 14 天内对作者做出决定。

作为专业期刊,PAR鼓励学者和从业者投稿。无论作者的隶属关系如何,我们的读者都重视以实践为依据的研究和以研究为依据的实践。自 1940 年成立以来,PAR定期发表从业者投稿的文章。

我们还鼓励学者和从业人员将共同作者视为共同开展相关、及时和高质量研究的一种手段。除了文章之外,PAR还为从业者提供了其他机会来分享他们的知识和经验。这些机会包括我们的最新功能 Viewpoint,它分享了突出的以实践为导向的研究,以及书评。有关这些功能的更多详细信息如下所示。


研究文章 PAR欢迎使用关于公共管理领域主题的不同理论和研究框架的手稿。文章应遵循高质量的科学标准,并促进对该领域的理论、实证研究和显着发展感兴趣的专业人士和从业者的知识和理解。适用于PAR的研究主题涵盖广泛的领域,包括关于公共组织的理论和实证研究、政策分析、评估研究以及探索与公共行政相关的价值问题的规范理论。为此, PAR鼓励提交强调这些更广泛元素以及具有特定重点的作品,包括但不限于国际和比较研究以及研究综合。



所有提交的内容都应包括三到五个句子长度的要点,供提供实践证据的读者使用。欢迎从业者或从业者和学者共同撰写的文章。作者应通过PAR的在线提交门户 - 编辑经理 (http://www.editorialmanager.com/par) 以电子方式提交稿件。注意:从 2018 年 1 月开始,PAR将不再委托在 Perspectives、Comments、Evidence in Public Administration、Administrative Profiles 功能下进行研究。相反,我们会将此类文章视为独立的研究文章,或者在适当的情况下,将其视为符合 Viewpoint 功能的文章。有关提交文章的进一步查询,请联系 Jeremy L. Hall (editor@publicadministrationreview.com)。

观点学者和实践者有不同的受众、观点、兴趣、知识方法、研究方法和话语风格。这些差异对于作为相关专业论坛的 ASPA 和促进公共行政环境中更大的联系可能是至关重要的。PAR是弥合这些差异的重要工具,并致力于以一种新的方式让实践界参与进来,以增加参与度和参与度。PAR寻求主要利益相关者和/或组织的手稿,这些利益相关者和/或组织能够解决其大量成员面临的问题和担忧。

PAR鼓励从业者社区的关键群体提交其组织可能与更广泛的PAR和 ASPA 受众相关的研究。Viewpoint 将从 2018 年 1 月/2 月号开始,并以著名从业者关于重要主题的著作为特色。手稿的长度应为 2,000-3,000 字,并积极让学者和从业者及时就前沿话题、服务创新以及利益相关者面临的问题和限制进行对话。有关提案和提交的进一步询问,请联系 Viewpoint 编辑 Stephen E. Condrey (steve@condrey-consulting.com) 和 Tonya E. Thornton (tneaves@gmu.edu)。

书评书评功能旨在让学者和从业者参与对书籍的热烈讨论,这些书籍涉及及时的主题、理论和/或实践的进步、服务创新以及公共行政和政策利益相关者面临的问题和限制。PAR Book Review 功能对公共管理领域有广泛的看法,并欢迎对美国以外出版的书籍进行评论。标准书评部分旨在让我们的读者参与对代表公共管理不同领域的当代作家作品的批判性讨论。书评应力求清晰、简洁和及时。稿件的长度应与内容相适应。鼓励汇集多本书的评论文章。请遵循与常规手稿相同的风格说明。

任何有兴趣提交书评或建议书评的人都应该联系塔尔顿州立大学的 Galia Cohen (cohen@tarleton.edu)。

版权声明作者将被要求将其文章的版权转让给美国公共管理协会。版权转让是出版的条件,除非已转让版权,否则文章无法进行制作。收到稿件后,Wiley 的作者服务系统将向通讯作者提供完成许可协议的指示。
