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A shared professional space: networks of colonial lawyers in Cuba and Mexico (1508–1832)
Comparative Legal History Pub Date : 2022-04-18 , DOI: 10.1080/2049677x.2022.2063518
Ricardo Pelegrin Taboada

During the colonial period, legal professionals from Mexico and Cuba maintained a closed relationship. Legal experts arrived in America to join the colonial establishment, but excessive litigiousness among settlers forced the Crown to forbid lawyers from overseas. However, it became increasingly necessary for functionaries to hold law degrees to occupy municipal positions, and thus, Spain created colonial universities. Cuban students increasingly studied law in Mexico and, upon graduation, joined the professional network across the Spanish Empire. The foundation of the University of Havana in 1728 further strengthened the intellectual connections between Cuba and Mexico. In 1760, Mexican elites created a Colegio de Abogados with strict membership requirements based on lineage, race, and class, and lawyers in Havana submitted a petition to open their own Colegio in 1812 to preserve the exclusivity of the legal professions.



在殖民时期,墨西哥和古巴的法律专业人士保持着密切的关系。法律专家抵达美国加入殖民机构,但定居者之间的过度诉讼迫使官方禁止来自海外的律师。然而,官员们越来越有必要拥有法律学位来担任市政职位,因此,西班牙创建了殖民地大学。越来越多的古巴学生在墨西哥学习法律,毕业后加入了整个西班牙帝国的专业网络。1728 年哈瓦那大学的成立进一步加强了古巴和墨西哥之间的知识联系。1760 年,墨西哥精英创建了一个Colegio de Abogados1812 年,哈瓦那的律师们提交了一份请愿书,要求开设自己的 Colegio,以保持法律职业的排他性。
