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Inuvialuit knowledge of Pacific salmon range expansion in the western Canadian Arctic
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-12-10 , DOI: 10.1139/cjfas-2021-0172
Zander Kaleb Einar Chila 1 , Karen Dunmall 2 , Tracey Proverbs 3 , Trevor Lantz 3 , Aklavik Hunters and Trappers Committee 4 , Inuvik Hunters and Trappers Committee 5 , Sachs Harbour Hunters and Trappers Committee 6 , Olokhaktomiut Hunters and Trappers Committee 7 , Paulatuk Hunters and Trappers Committee 8

Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Ahead of Print.
Rapid climate change is altering Arctic ecosystems and significantly affecting the livelihoods and cultural traditions of Arctic Indigenous peoples. In the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR), growing evidence suggests that climate change is altering marine environments. In this project we recorded and synthesized Inuvialuit knowledge of Pacific salmon. We used methods that are emergent in fisheries science to combine interview information with voluntary harvest data and better understand changes to salmon in the Arctic. We conducted 53 interviews with Inuvialuit fishers about the history of Pacific salmon harvest, how it has changed in recent decades, and concurrent changes to local environments and fish species. Our interviews show that historical, incidental salmon harvest in the ISR ranged from infrequent to common among western communities, but was rare or unprecedented among eastern communities. Participants in all six communities reported a recent increase in salmon harvest and attributed this shift to regional environmental change. Fishers were concerned that salmon would negatively affect their cultural traditions and preferred fish species. Given uncertainty about the effects of salmon on local fisheries, research on salmon in the Arctic, the likelihood of their establishment, and their potential to provide subsidies to Arctic freshwater ecosystems is vital.


Inuvialuit 对加拿大西部北极地区太平洋鲑鱼范围扩张的了解

迅速的气候变化正在改变北极生态系统,并严重影响北极土著人民的生计和文化传统。在因纽瓦卢特定居区 (ISR),越来越多的证据表明气候变化正在改变海洋环境。在这个项目中,我们记录并综合了 Inuvialuit 关于太平洋鲑鱼的知识。我们使用渔业科学中出现的方法将采访信息与自愿收获数据相结合,更好地了解北极鲑鱼的变化。我们对因纽瓦卢伊特渔民进行了 53 次采访,内容涉及太平洋鲑鱼捕捞的历史、近几十年来的变化以及当地环境和鱼类物种的同步变化。我们的采访表明,ISR 历史上偶然收获的鲑鱼在西方社区中从罕见到常见,但在东方社区中很少见或史无前例。所有六个社区的参与者都报告说最近鲑鱼收获量有所增加,并将这种转变归因于区域环境变化。渔民担心鲑鱼会对他们的文化传统和偏爱的鱼类产生负面影响。鉴于鲑鱼对当地渔业影响的不确定性,对北极鲑鱼的研究、它们建立的可能性以及它们为北极淡水生态系统提供补贴的潜力至关重要。