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Data-Driven Vehicle Rebalancing With Predictive Prescriptions in the Ride-Hailing System
IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Pub Date : 2022-03-29 , DOI: 10.1109/ojits.2022.3163180
Xiaotong Guo 1 , Qingyi Wang 1 , Jinhua Zhao 2

Rebalancing vacant vehicles is one of the most critical strategies in ride-hailing operations. An effective rebalancing strategy can significantly reduce empty miles traveled and reduce customer wait times by better matching supply and demand. While the supply (vehicles) is usually known to the system, future passenger demand is uncertain. There are two ways to handle uncertainty. First, the point-prediction-driven optimization framework involves predicting the future demand and then producing rebalancing decisions based on the predicted demand. Second, the data-driven optimization approaches directly prescribe rebalancing decisions from data. In this study, a predictive prescription framework is introduced to this problem, where the benefits of predictive and data-driven optimization models are combined. Based on a state-of-the-art vehicle rebalancing model, the matching-integrated vehicle rebalancing (MIVR) model, predictive prescriptions are introduced to handle demand uncertainty. Model performances are evaluated using real-world simulations with New York City (NYC) ride-hailing data under four demand scenarios. When demand can be accurately predicted, a point-prediction-driven optimization framework should be adapted. The proposed predictive prescription models achieve shorter customer wait times over the point-prediction-driven optimization models when future demand predictions are not so accurate, and achieve a competitive performance with respect to the cutting-edge robust optimization models.



重新平衡空置车辆是网约车运营中最关键的策略之一。有效的再平衡策略可以通过更好地匹配供需,显着减少空车里程并减少客户等待时间。虽然系统通常知道供应(车辆),但未来的乘客需求是不确定的。有两种方法可以处理不确定性。首先,点预测驱动的优化框架涉及预测未来需求,然后根据预测的需求做出再平衡决策。其次,数据驱动的优化方法直接规定了数据的再平衡决策。在这项研究中,为这个问题引入了一个预测处方框架,其中结合了预测和数据驱动优化模型的好处。基于最先进的车辆再平衡模型,即匹配集成车辆再平衡 (MIVR) 模型,引入了预测处方来处理需求不确定性。在四种需求情景下,使用真实世界的模拟和纽约市 (NYC) 的叫车数据来评估模型性能。当可以准确预测需求时,应采用点预测驱动的优化框架。当未来的需求预测不那么准确时,所提出的预测处方模型比点预测驱动的优化模型实现了更短的客户等待时间,并且相对于尖端的稳健优化模型实现了竞争性能。在四种需求情景下,使用真实世界的模拟和纽约市 (NYC) 的叫车数据来评估模型性能。当可以准确预测需求时,应采用点预测驱动的优化框架。当未来的需求预测不那么准确时,所提出的预测处方模型比点预测驱动的优化模型实现了更短的客户等待时间,并且相对于尖端的稳健优化模型实现了竞争性能。在四种需求情景下,使用真实世界的模拟和纽约市 (NYC) 的叫车数据来评估模型性能。当可以准确预测需求时,应采用点预测驱动的优化框架。当未来的需求预测不那么准确时,所提出的预测处方模型比点预测驱动的优化模型实现了更短的客户等待时间,并且相对于尖端的稳健优化模型实现了竞争性能。