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Loneliness and screen time usage over a year.
Journal of Adolescence ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-16 , DOI: 10.1002/jad.12024
Kristi Baerg MacDonald 1 , Karen A Patte 2 , Scott T Leatherdale 3 , Julie Aitken Schermer 1

INTRODUCTION This study investigates the stability of loneliness in adolescents over a 1-year period. Also, we examine how the use of screen time media (watching television, playing video games, surfing the Internet, and texting) predicts loneliness over a year and how loneliness predicts screen time media usage. METHODS The study uses survey data from the Cannabis, Obesity, Mental health, Physical activity, Alcohol, Smoking, and Sedentary behavior Study. A large (N = 20,903; 54% female) sample of Canadian students in grades 9-11 (Time 1) and grades 10-12 (Time 2) were assessed at two-time points, 1 year apart. RESULTS Loneliness scores were found to be stable over the 1-year period, with a slight increase. Additionally, while loneliness was associated with some screen time within the same year, the effects from loneliness or screen time variables at time one predicting the other at time two were negligible. The study also provides evidence that the various screen time media did not fit a single dimension. Finally, there were sex differences in loneliness and some of the media variables. CONCLUSIONS Loneliness appears to increase slightly over the course of a year in high school students. Results indicated that Internet use and loneliness are related; however screen time use in one year does not have a substantial impact on loneliness a year later or vice versa. Lastly, the data suggested that researchers examine screen time behaviors individually in their investigations.



引言 本研究调查了 1 年期间青少年孤独感的稳定性。此外,我们还研究了使用屏幕时间媒体(看电视、玩视频游戏、上网和发短信)如何预测一年内的孤独感,以及孤独感如何预测屏幕时间媒体的使用情况。方法 该研究使用来自大麻、肥胖、心理健康、体育活动、酒精、吸烟和久坐行为研究的调查数据。对 9-11 年级(时间 1)和 10-12 年级(时间 2)的加拿大学生的大型(N = 20,903;54% 女性)样本进行了两次评估,相隔 1 年。结果发现孤独感评分在 1 年内保持稳定,略有增加。此外,虽然孤独与同一年的某些屏幕时间有关,孤独感或屏幕时间变量在时间一预测另一个时间二的影响可以忽略不计。该研究还提供了证据,表明各种屏幕时间媒体并不适合单一维度。最后,孤独感和一些媒体变量存在性别差异。结论 高中生的孤独感在一年中似乎略有增加。结果表明,网络使用与孤独感相关;然而,一年的屏幕使用时间不会对一年后的孤独感产生实质性影响,反之亦然。最后,数据表明研究人员在调查中单独检查屏幕时间行为。最后,孤独感和一些媒体变量存在性别差异。结论 高中生的孤独感在一年中似乎略有增加。结果表明,网络使用与孤独感相关;然而,一年的屏幕使用时间不会对一年后的孤独感产生实质性影响,反之亦然。最后,数据表明研究人员在调查中单独检查屏幕时间行为。最后,孤独感和一些媒体变量存在性别差异。结论 高中生的孤独感在一年中似乎略有增加。结果表明,网络使用与孤独感相关;然而,一年的屏幕使用时间不会对一年后的孤独感产生实质性影响,反之亦然。最后,数据表明研究人员在调查中单独检查屏幕时间行为。