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The role of rapport in eliciting children’s truthful reports
Applied Developmental Science ( IF 5.500 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-07 , DOI: 10.1080/10888691.2022.2058507
Ida Foster 1 , Victoria Talwar 1 , Angela Crossman 2


Children (N = 114, ages 7–13) witnessed a transgressor steal money from a wallet and then asked them to lie about the theft when interviewed by a novel interviewer. During the interview, children were asked to either describe various experienced events (Narrative Practice Rapport-building condition) or participate in an interactive activity designed to focus on the relational aspects of rapport-building including mutual attentiveness, positivity, and coordination between child and interviewer (Interactional Rapport-building condition). Children also completed a measure of rapport to indicate their subjective level of rapport with the interviewer. Older children in the Interactional Rapport-building condition were significantly more likely to be truthful, disclose the transgression earlier, and give more details. Findings provide an initial, exploratory understanding of how the rapport-building phase in eyewitness interviews may play an important role in children’s disclosure decision-making and may be another area to study to promote more truthful disclosures.




儿童(N = 114,年龄 7-13 岁)目睹了一名违法者从钱包里偷钱,然后要求他们在接受一位新颖的采访者采访时就盗窃事件撒谎。在访谈过程中,孩子们被要求描述各种经历过的事件(叙事实践融洽关系建设条件)或参加互动活动,旨在关注建立融洽关系的关系方面,包括儿童与采访者之间的相互关注、积极性和协调(建立互动融洽的条件)。孩子们还完成了融洽程度的测量,以表明他们与采访者的主观融洽程度。在建立互动融洽关系的条件下,年龄较大的孩子更有可能说实话,更早地披露违规行为,并提供更多细节。调查结果提供了初步的、
