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Association of real-time assessed mood, affect and suicidal ideation in psychiatric inpatients with unipolar depression
Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy ( IF 3.198 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-05 , DOI: 10.1002/cpp.2741
Luise Lucht 1 , Lena Spangenberg 1 , Thomas Forkmann 2 , Nina Hallensleben 1 , Dajana Rath 2 , Maria Strauss 3 , Heide Glaesmer 1

Previous research provided preliminary support of a potential reinforcing effect of suicidal ideation demonstrating reduced negative affect and increased positive affect after thinking about suicide. The present study therefore sought to investigate the role of mood and affect as a proximal risk factor of suicidal ideation in a high-risk sample. Seventy-four psychiatric inpatients (72% female) with unipolar depression and current and/or lifetime suicidal ideation aged 18 to 85 years (M = 37.6, SD = 14.3) took part in an ecological momentary assessment (EMA) over 6 days. Multilevel analyses were calculated. Analyses revealed negative valence of mood and low positive affect to be predictors of subsequent intensity of suicidal ideation (active, passive) as well as predictors of change in suicidal ideation (active, passive) since the last measurement. High negative affect only predicted intensity of passive suicidal ideation. Suicidal ideation (active, passive) was prospectively associated with subsequent negative valence of mood and lower positive affect as well as with higher intensity of negative affect. Suicidal ideation (active, passive) also predicted the change in valence of mood, positive affect and negative affect since the last measurement. Mood and affect should be taken into account as important proximal risk factors of active and passive suicidal ideation. The results do not support the idea of a reinforcing effect of suicidal ideation. In fact, they show a pattern of reduced subsequent positive affect, negative valence of mood and increased negative affect. Replication studies with larger samples and longer EMA follow-ups are needed.



先前的研究为自杀意念的潜在强化作用提供了初步支持,表明在考虑自杀后消极影响减少,积极影响增加。因此,本研究试图调查情绪和影响作为高风险样本中自杀意念的近端危险因素的作用。74 名精神科住院患者(72% 为女性)患有单相抑郁症,目前和/或终生有自杀意念,年龄在 18 至 85 岁之间(M  = 37.6,SD = 14.3) 参加了为期 6 天的生态瞬时评估 (EMA)。计算多级分析。分析显示,情绪的负效价和低积极影响是自杀意念(主动、被动)随后强度的预测因子,以及自上次测量以来自杀意念(主动、被动)变化的预测因子。高负面影响仅预测被动自杀意念的强度。自杀意念(主动、被动)与随后的消极情绪和较低的积极情绪以及较高强度的消极情绪前瞻性相关。自杀意念(主动、被动)也预测了自上次测量以来情绪、积极情绪和消极情绪的变化。情绪和情感应被视为主动和被动自杀意念的重要近端危险因素。结果不支持自杀意念的强化作用的观点。事实上,它们显示出随后的积极影响减少、情绪的消极效价和消极影响增加的模式。需要更大样本和更长 EMA 随访的复制研究。