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HPV-associated complications post lung transplantation: why prevention is better than ‘no’ cure
Thorax ( IF 10 ) Pub Date : 2022-06-01 , DOI: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2022-218736
Alex Horsley 1, 2 , Mohamed Al-Aloul 3

At its best, lung transplantation may restore people with end-stage cystic fibrosis (CF) to a state of health they had long since forgotten. But it also brings new challenges and burdens, including ongoing commitment to intensive follow-up and demanding drug regimens with a range of new adverse effects. Thornton et al have highlighted an important but perhaps overlooked consequence of the immune suppression necessary after lung transplantation—that of cervical dysplasia caused by human papilloma virus (HPV).1 In a single-centre retrospective study, they reported high rates of HPV-associated morbidity in women with CF who had undergone lung transplant, and a 4 x greater risk of cervical dysplasia compared with non-transplanted CF controls. More worryingly, four of the cohort (12%) developed cervical cancer and two (6%) died …


肺移植后 HPV 相关并发症:为什么预防胜于“不”治愈

在最好的情况下,肺移植可以使终末期囊性纤维化 (CF) 患者恢复到他们早已忘记的健康状态。但它也带来了新的挑战和负担,包括对密集随访的持续承诺和具有一系列新不良反应的高要求药物治疗方案。Thornton 等人强调了肺移植后必需的免疫抑制的一个重要但可能被忽视的后果——人乳头瘤病毒 (HPV) 引起的宫颈发育不良。1 在一项单中心回顾性研究中,他们报告了高发生率的 HPV 相关与未移植的 CF 对照组相比,接受肺移植的 CF 女性的发病率和宫颈发育不良的风险高 4 倍。更令人担忧的是,该队列中有 4 人 (12%) 患上了宫颈癌,2 人 (6%) 死亡……