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Agitation Prevalence in People With Dementia in Australian Residential Aged Care Facilities: Findings From Machine Learning of Electronic Health Records
Journal of Gerontological Nursing ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2022-04-01 , DOI: 10.3928/00989134-20220309-01
Yunshu Zhu , Ting Song , Zhenyu Zhang , Chao Deng , Mohammad Alkhalaf , Wanqing Li , Mengyang Yin , Hui Chen Rita Chang , Ping Yu

Using a suite of artificial intelligence technologies, the current study sought to determine the prevalence of agitated behaviors in people with dementia in residential aged care facilities (RACFs) in Australia. Computerized natural language processing allowed extraction of agitation instances from the free-text nursing progress notes, a component of electronic health records in RACFs. In total, 59 observable agitated behaviors were found. No difference was found in dementia prevalence between female and male clients (44.1%), across metropolitan and regional facilities (42.1% [SD = 17.9%]), or for agitation prevalence in dementia (76.5% [SD = 18.4%]). The top 10 behaviors were resisting, wandering, speaking in excessively loud voice, pacing, restlessness, pushing, shouting, complaining, frustration, and using profane language. Four to 17 agitated behaviors coexisted in 53% of people with dementia agitation, indicating high caregiver burden in these RACFs. Improving workforce training and redesigning care models are urgent for sustainability of dementia care in RACFs. [Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 48(4), 57–64.]



目前的研究使用一套人工智能技术,试图确定澳大利亚老年护理机构 (RACF) 中痴呆症患者的躁动行为的普遍性。计算机化的自然语言处理允许从自由文本护理进度记录中提取激动实例,这是 RACF 中电子健康记录的一个组成部分。总共发现了 59 种可观察到的激动行为。女性和男性客户 (44.1%)、大都市和区域设施 (42.1% [ SD = 17.9%]) 或痴呆症的躁动患病率 (76.5% [ SD ])的痴呆患病率没有差异= 18.4%])。排名前 10 位的行为是抗拒、徘徊、大声说话、踱步、烦躁、推搡、大喊大叫、抱怨、沮丧和使用亵渎语言。53% 的痴呆躁动患者同时存在 4 到 17 种激动行为,表明这些 RACF 的护理人员负担较高。改善劳动力培训和重新设计护理模式对于 RACF 中痴呆症护理的可持续性至关重要。[老年护理杂志,48(4),57-64。]
