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Challenges and Solutions to Implementing a Community-Based Wellness Program for Non-Offending Minor Attracted Persons
Journal of Child Sexual Abuse ( IF 1.872 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-27 , DOI: 10.1080/10538712.2022.2056103
Theodore Jackson 1 , Koushank Ahuja 2 , Gilian Tenbergen 2


Child sexual abuse is a significant public health concern that has long-lasting consequences for victims and their families and poses a significant financial cost to the public. Prevention efforts, including sex offender treatment programs, are intended to prevent further instances of sexual abuse. Most sexual offenses, however, are committed by individuals who are not yet known as sexual offenders, and therefore traditional sex offender treatment programs fall short of this goal. It is crucial to provide services to people who may be at risk for committing a sexual offense and those who have not offended, including those individuals who are attracted to children. While primary prevention programs such as Prevention Project Dunkelfeld and Talking for Change have begun to address this issue internationally, there are significant barriers to providing preventive services of this nature to non-offending minor attracted persons (NOMAPs) in the United States. Barriers include concerns about mandated reporting laws, stigmatization, and lack of knowledge by therapists about MAPs. This paper explores these barriers and provides solutions for practitioners to offer services to this population. This paper includes the development of specific programming for non-offenders and specialized training for clinicians who work with non-offenders as used by The Global Prevention Project.




儿童性虐待是一个重大的公共卫生问题,对受害者及其家人产生长期影响,并给公众带来巨大的经济成本。预防工作,包括性犯罪者治疗计划,旨在防止进一步的性虐待事件。然而,大多数性犯罪是由尚未被称为性犯罪者的个人犯下的,因此传统的性犯罪者治疗计划达不到这一目标。向可能有性犯罪风险的人和没有犯罪的人(包括那些被儿童吸引的人)提供服务至关重要。虽然预防项目 Dunkelfeld 和 Talking for Change 等初级预防计划已经开始在国际上解决这个问题,在美国,向未犯罪的未成年人吸引人 (NOMAP) 提供这种性质的预防服务存在重大障碍。障碍包括对强制性报告法律的担忧、污名化以及治疗师对 MAP 缺乏了解。本文探讨了这些障碍,并为从业者为这一人群提供服务提供了解决方案。本文包括为非犯罪者制定特定计划,以及为全球预防项目使用的与非犯罪者一起工作的临床医生提供专门培训。本文探讨了这些障碍,并为从业者为这一人群提供服务提供了解决方案。本文包括为非犯罪者制定特定计划,以及为全球预防项目使用的与非犯罪者一起工作的临床医生提供专门培训。本文探讨了这些障碍,并为从业者为这一人群提供服务提供了解决方案。本文包括为非犯罪者制定特定计划,以及为全球预防项目使用的与非犯罪者一起工作的临床医生提供专门培训。
