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Development of a national sport integrity system
Sport Management Review ( IF 5.589 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-25 , DOI: 10.1080/14413523.2022.2048548
Lisa A. Kihl 1


The persistence of integrity problems in national sports organizations (NSOS) globally suggests that current approaches (e.g., good governance, piece meal legislation and policy) to curbing them are ineffective. Scholars have argued for a broad strategy to enhance integrity, deter unethical behavior, and prevent integrity system failures. theoretical gap exists in conceptualizing a national sport integrity system (NSIS). Drawing from accountability, integrity systems, integrity management, and sport integrity literatures a holistic and configurational framework of the actors, and the internal and external components of a NSIS was conceptualized. A NSIS is comprised of institutions, policies, practices, agencies, and actors responsible for promoting and safeguarding the integrity of an NSO. A NSIS was designed for both federated and unitary sport governance models that onsists of three interconnected components: the institutions that serve as the operational arm of the system, the accountability arm that is responsible for guarding integrity, and actors who manage the operational systems and accountability mechanisms. An NSO collaboratively coordinates and assists with capacity building to suitably delivery the system components across the respective levels of governance. The paper concludes with consideration of how the system may be used in practice, challenges for adoption, and directions for future research.




全球国家体育组织 (NSOS) 中持续存在的诚信问题表明,当前遏制这些问题的方法(例如,善治、零散立法和政策)是无效的。学者们主张制定一项广泛的战略来增强诚信、阻止不道德行为并防止诚信系统失败。在概念化国家体育诚信体系 (NSIS) 方面存在理论差距。从问责制、诚信系统、诚信管理和体育诚信文献中汲取了参与者的整体和配置框架,以及 NSIS 的内部和外部组件的概念。NSIS 由负责促进和维护 NSO 完整性的机构、政策、实践、机构和参与者组成。NSIS 是为联合和统一的体育治理模型设计的,它包含三个相互关联的组成部分:作为系统运营部门的机构,负责维护完整性的问责部门,以及管理运营系统和问责制的参与者机制。NSO 协作协调并协助能力建设,以在各个治理级别适当地交付系统组件。本文最后考虑了如何在实践中使用该系统、采用的挑战以及未来研究的方向。以及管理操作系统和问责机制的参与者。NSO 协作协调并协助能力建设,以在各个治理级别适当地交付系统组件。本文最后考虑了如何在实践中使用该系统、采用的挑战以及未来研究的方向。以及管理操作系统和问责机制的参与者。NSO 协作协调并协助能力建设,以在各个治理级别适当地交付系统组件。本文最后考虑了如何在实践中使用该系统、采用的挑战以及未来研究的方向。
