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Impacts of COVID-19 on the early care and education sector in California: Variations across program types
Early Childhood Research Quarterly ( IF 3.815 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecresq.2022.03.004
Yoonjeon Kim 1 , Elena Montoya 1 , Sean Doocy 2 , Lea J E Austin 1 , Marcy Whitebook 1

The COVID-19 crisis has overwhelmed and weakened the United States early care and education (ECE) sector, jeopardizing a system that was already precariously situated atop a weak foundation. While multiple national- and state-level studies have highlighted the overwhelming impacts of the pandemic on the ECE sector, little has been reported about how much variation in impacts exists, and in what forms, within the ECE sector. Based on a statewide survey of 953 licensed care providers in California conducted in June 2020, this paper examines the impact of COVID-19 experienced by ECE providers, focusing on the variations between centers and family child care homes (FCCs) and among center-based programs. Results indicate that the challenges programs face differ greatly depending on program type and funding source. Compared to center-based programs, FCCs fared worse in most measures of economic hardship that directly impact individual providers with medium to large effect sizes. Centers were more likely than FCCs to struggle with reduced attendance and changes in program operations by medium to large effect sizes and report staffing challenges by small to medium effect sizes. Among the center-based programs, subsidized programs holding contracts with Head Start or the California Department of Education (such as state preschool programs) were more stable and better able to financially support their staff during the pandemic, with effect sizes ranging from medium to large. Centers receiving government subsidies in the form of vouchers were more likely to be negatively impacted by the pandemic compared to unsubsidized centers and Head Start and state-contracted centers. Implications for future research and policy are discussed in the context of addressing the complex delivery system of ECE services and supporting outcomes that are effective and equitable for children, families, and the ECE workforce.


COVID-19 对加州早期护理和教育部门的影响:不同项目类型的差异

COVID-19 危机压倒并削弱了美国的早期护理和教育 (ECE) 部门,危及了一个本已岌岌可危的基础薄弱的系统。尽管多项国家和州级研究强调了大流行病对欧洲经委会部门的压倒性影响,但关于欧洲经委会部门内影响存在多大差异以及影响形式的报道很少。基于 2020 年 6 月在加利福尼亚州对 953 家持照护理提供者进行的全州调查,本文研究了 COVID-19 对 ECE 提供者的影响,重点关注中心和家庭托儿所 (FCC) 之间以及基于中心的托儿中心之间的差异程式。结果表明,项目面临的挑战因项目类型和资金来源而异。与中心课程相比,FCC 在经济困难的大多数措施中表现更差,这些措施直接影响具有中到大影响规模的个体提供者。与 FCC 相比,中心更有可能因中型到大型效应规模的出勤率下降和项目运营变化而苦苦挣扎,并报告中小型效应规模的人员配置挑战。在以中心为基础的项目中,与 Head Start 或加州教育部签订合同的补贴项目(如州立学前班项目)在大流行期间更稳定,也能更好地为员工提供经济支持,影响范围从中等到大. 与无补贴中心、启蒙中心和国家承包中心相比,以代金券形式接受政府补贴的中心更有可能受到大流行的负面影响。
