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An ensemble approach to understand predation mortality for groundfish in the Gulf of Alaska
Fisheries Research ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-20 , DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2022.106303
Grant D. Adams 1 , Kirstin K. Holsman 1, 2 , Steven J. Barbeaux 2 , Martin W. Dorn 2 , James N. Ianelli 2 , Ingrid Spies 2 , Ian J. Stewart 3 , André E. Punt 1

There is increasing consensus of the need for ecosystem-based fisheries management (EBFM), which accounts for trophic interactions and environmental conditions when managing exploited marine resources. Continued development and testing of analytical tools that are expected to address EBFM needs are essential for guiding the management of fisheries resources in achieving and balancing multiple social, economic, and conservation objectives. To address these needs, we present and compare alternative climate-informed multi-species statistical catch-at-age models to account for spatio-temporal differences in stock distributions, with application to four groundfish species (walleye pollock Gadus chalcogrammus, Pacific cod Gadus macrocephalus, arrowtooth flounder Atheresthes stomias, and Pacific halibut Hippoglossus stenolepis) in the Gulf of Alaska, USA. We integrate across multiple forms of uncertainty regarding the data and distribution of Pacific halibut using an ensemble modelling approach. Models developed here can be used to supplement current tactical fisheries management and inform on the trade-offs between harvesting across groundfish in the Gulf of Alaska. This approach may be applicable for other situations where spatial and temporal overlap is extensive among closely coupled species.



对基于生态系统的渔业管理 (EBFM) 的需求日益达成共识,该管理在管理已开发的海洋资源时考虑了营养相互作用和环境条件。持续开发和测试有望解决 EBFM 需求的分析工具对于指导渔业资源管理以实现和平衡多重社会、经济和保护目标至关重要。为了满足这些需求,我们提出并比较了替代气候信息的多物种统计捕获年龄模型,以解释种群分布的时空差异,并应用于四种底层鱼类(大眼鳕Gadus chalcogrammus、太平洋鳕鱼Gadus macrocephalus , 箭齿比目鱼美国阿拉斯加湾的Atheresthes stomias和太平洋大比目鱼Hippoglossus stenolepis )。我们使用集合建模方法整合了有关太平洋大比目鱼数据和分布的多种形式的不确定性。这里开发的模型可用于补充当前的战术渔业管理,并为阿拉斯加湾底层鱼类捕捞之间的权衡提供信息。这种方法可能适用于紧密耦合物种之间空间和时间重叠广泛的其他情况。
