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It’s Pride Y’all: Mechanical and Organic Solidarity’s Impact on White LGBTQ+ Individuals in the Deep South
Deviant Behavior ( IF 1.716 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-18 , DOI: 10.1080/01639625.2022.2050443
Sarah Donley 1 , Tina H. Deshotels 1 , Katelynn Shadoan 2


To date, most research on LGBTQ+ individuals and communities tends to be based in metropolitan areas of the United States, largely in New York and California. This research analyzes data from 23 white LGBTQ+ individuals in the Deep South through the lens of Durkheim’s mechanical and organic solidarity. We argue that experiences of LGBTQ+ individuals in the rural south resemble the characteristics of Durkheim’s mechanical solidarity and analyzing their experiences through this lens will help us better understand how LGBTQ+ people in rural/non-metropolitan areas across the Deep South negotiate and resist being labeled deviant in small, isolated, homogeneous communities. We found that for some, the strongly held beliefs of rigid normative conformity was oppressive. However, for others, they were able to bond with likeminded people in their community and were accepted because of mechanical solidarity. Though oppressive experiences remain a feature of being LGBTQ+ in the Deep South, some respondents reported positive experiences and commented on increasing acceptance and tolerance in some areas. Finally, findings indicate while in some ways it is difficult or impossible to eschew the label of deviant, some LGBTQ+ individuals value rural living and can negotiate, resist, and thrive.


这是你们所有人的骄傲:机械和有机团结对南方腹地白人 LGBTQ+ 个体的影响


迄今为止,大多数关于 LGBTQ+ 个人和社区的研究都集中在美国的大都市地区,主要是在纽约和加利福尼亚。这项研究通过 Durkheim 的机械和有机团结的视角分析了来自南方腹地 23 名白人 LGBTQ+ 个体的数据。我们认为,南部农村地区 LGBTQ+ 个体的经历类似于涂尔干机械团结的特征,通过这个视角分析他们的经历将有助于我们更好地理解南方腹地农村/非大都市地区的 LGBTQ+ 群体如何协商并抵制被贴上越轨标签在小的、孤立的、同质的社区中。我们发现,对于一些人来说,严格遵守规范的坚定信念是一种压迫。然而,对于其他人来说,他们能够与社区中志同道合的人建立联系,并由于机械团结而被接受。尽管压迫性经历仍然是南方腹地 LGBTQ+ 的一个特征,但一些受访者报告了积极的经历,并评论说在某些地区增加了接受度和容忍度。最后,调查结果表明,虽然在某些方面很难或不可能避开越轨者的标签,但一些 LGBTQ+ 个体重视农村生活,并且可以协商、抵抗并茁壮成长。
