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Evaluation of conventional solvent processes for lipid and astaxanthin extraction from shrimp processing by-products
Chemical Engineering Communications ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-17 , DOI: 10.1080/00986445.2022.2050711
Sara Ahmadkelayeh 1 , Sukhinder Kaur Cheema 2 , Kelly Hawboldt 1


Shrimp processing by-products are a source of valuable bioactive/biomaterials such as lipids and astaxanthin. As such, extracting lipids/astaxanthin would reduce the environmental burden and enhance the industry’s finances. However, to determine the feasibility, the quality, and quantity of lipids/astaxanthin in the by-product as a function of extraction conditions and pretreatment is required. This work provides, for the first time, a comprehensive analysis of lipid distributions and lipid/ASX mixture distributions in the extract from Atlantic shrimp by-products as a function of water removal and the extraction solvent. Lipid yields varied from 2–8.69 dry wt% for wet shrimp by-product to 1–4 dry wt% for the freeze-dried. Astaxanthin yields ranged from 57–88 µg/gwaste for the wet by-product to 118–218 µg/gwaste for the freeze-dried. Lipid extracts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and phospholipids. Lipid classes varied with solvent(s) and pretreatment. Overall, pretreatment to remove water decreased lipid yield but increased astaxanthin yield/quality. This information will impact the value and final application of the extract in downstream processes and can be used as a reference for the evaluation/development of scalable extraction processes.




虾加工副产品是有价值的生物活性/生物材料的来源,例如脂质和虾青素。因此,提取脂质/虾青素将减少环境负担并增强行业的财务状况。然而,为了确定副产品中脂质/虾青素的可行性、质量和数量作为提取条件和预处理的函数,需要。这项工作首次提供了对大西洋虾副产品提取物中脂质分布和脂质/ASX 混合物分布的综合分析,作为除水和提取溶剂的函数。脂质产量从湿虾副产品的 2-8.69 干重%到冻干副产品的 1-4 干重%不等。虾青素产量从 57–88 µg/g湿副产品废物到 118–218 µg/g 不等废弃物用于冷冻干燥。脂质提取物富含 omega-3 脂肪酸和磷脂。脂质类别因溶剂和预处理而异。总的来说,去除水分的预处理降低了脂质产量,但增加了虾青素的产量/质量。该信息将影响提取物在下游过程中的价值和最终应用,可作为评估/开发可扩展提取过程的参考。
