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Saagar Manthan (The churning of the great ocean)—How I came to understand psychoanalysis through Hindu mythology
International Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies Pub Date : 2022-03-11 , DOI: 10.1002/aps.1741
Himanshu Agrawal 1, 2

Much has been written in psychoanalytic literature about the many gods and mortals of Greek mythology, however, a search on PEPWEB with the keywords ‘Hindu mythology’ revealed scant results. The fact that, barring some exceptions that may shed light on the original Oedipus, Ganesha (Kakar, 2005; Tang & Smith, 1996) a culture which acknowledges 33 million gods and uncountable parables has generally gone untapped for its psychological sap probably serves as a reminder that psychoanalysis has been mainly a westerner's craft. With this essay I intend to share thoughts that have emerged during my own analysis, memories from childhood, and reveries in adulthood. I intend to share how my thoughts about Hindu mythology have helped me understand how the complex process of psychoanalysis might work.


Saagar Manthan(翻腾的大海)——我是如何通过印度神话来理解精神分析的

精神分析文献中已经写了很多关于希腊神话中的众神和凡人的文章,然而,在 PEPWEB 上使用关键字“印度神话”进行搜索却显示出很少的结果。事实上,除了一些可能揭示原始俄狄浦斯的例外情况外,甘尼萨(Kakar,2005 年;Tang & Smith,1996 年)承认 3300 万神灵和无数寓言的文化普遍未被开发,因为它的心理活力可能作为提醒人们,精神分析主要是西方人的手艺。我想通过这篇文章分享我在分析过程中出现的想法、童年的记忆和成年的遐想。我打算分享我对印度神话的看法如何帮助我理解精神分析的复杂过程是如何运作的。