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The Covid-19 Pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean
Population and Development Review ( IF 10.515 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-09 , DOI: 10.1111/padr.12484

Among major world regions, South America stands out both in the absolute number of Covid-19 deaths in the pandemic thus far and in deaths per 1000 population. Two recent reports of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), one prepared in conjunction with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), describe the scale of the pandemic in the ECLAC region at the end of the second year and record its disruptive effects. Excerpts from them are reprinted below. The age-sex pyramids showing reported Covid cases and deaths (Figure 1) offer a summary picture. The effects of the pandemic amount to “the most serious economic contraction of the past 120 years” experienced by the region and “a steady deterioration of the social development process.”

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Latin America and the Caribbean (19 countries): confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths, by sex and age group, 2021
ECLAC has long been noteworthy among the UN regional commissions not only for the empirical and analytical depth of its reports but also for its forceful advocacy of a growth-plus-equity development agenda. This didactic element is seen throughout these documents, as, for example, in the last sentences of the ECLAC-PAHO report:

Policies for transformative recovery must recognize the interdependence of the health, social, economic and environmental dimensions and form part of a strategy for structural change based on a big investment push for economic, social, and environmental sustainability. … The prolongation of the health crisis has exposed and deepened the region's historical gaps; and it has underscored the urgency of strengthening the welfare state and implementing universal, redistributive and solidarity-based policies with a rights approach, to ensure that no one is left behind. The welfare state must be geared towards guaranteeing that people can exercise their rights, and consolidating sustainable development.

More specifically (from the excerpt below), the pandemic has “revealed the weaknesses of the economic, social and environmental aspects of the region's development model…[Its impacts] underscore the region's vulnerability.”

Sources: ECLAC, Social Panorama of Latin America, 2021 (Santiago, 2022), pp. 17–21; and ECLAC-PAHO, COVID-19 Report: The prolongation of the health crisis and its impact on health, the economy and social development (October 2021), pp. 3, 12. References are omitted.

[From the Social Panorama report:]


拉丁美洲和加勒比地区的 Covid-19 大流行

在世界主要地区中,南美洲在迄今为止大流行中的 Covid-19 死亡绝对人数和每 1000 人的死亡人数方面都表现突出。拉丁美洲和加勒比经济委员会 (ECLAC) 最近的两份报告,一份与泛美卫生组织 (PAHO) 联合编写,描述了第二年年底拉加经委会地区大流行的规模并记录了其破坏性影响。他们的摘录转载如下。显示报告的 Covid 病例和死亡人数的年龄-性别金字塔(1 )提供了一个概要图。大流行的影响相当于该地区经历了“过去 120 年来最严重的经济收缩”和“社会发展进程的持续恶化”。

拉丁美洲和加勒比(19 个国家):2021 年按性别和年龄组分列的 COVID-19 确诊病例和死亡人数
长期以来,拉加经委会在联合国区域委员会中备受瞩目,不仅因为其报告的实证和分析深度,而且还因为其大力倡导增长加股权发展议程。这种说教元素在这些文件中随处可见,例如,在 ECLAC-PAHO 报告的最后几句话中



资料来源:拉加经委会,拉丁美洲社会全景图,2021 年(圣地亚哥,2022 年),第 17-21 页;和 ECLAC-PAHO,COVID-19 报告:健康危机的延长及其对健康、经济和社会发展的影响(2021 年 10 月),第 3、12 页。参考文献被省略

