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Glacial Grieving: Melting the Ice Within to See the World Renewed
Psychological Perspectives Pub Date : 2022-03-07 , DOI: 10.1080/00332925.2021.1994808
Sarah D. Norton

Later in his life, Carl Gustav Jung became increasingly interested in the alchemical process as a symbolic representation of the individuation journey. By focusing on the stages of the nigredo and the albedo, this paper expands upon the importance of these steps in the psychological process of individuation. Jung (1970a Jung, C. G. (1970a). On the nature of the psyche. In H. Read, M. Fordham, G. Adler, & W. McGuire (Eds.), The collected works of C. G. Jung (R. F. C. Hull, Trans.) (Vol. 8, pp. 159236). Princeton University Press. (Original work published 1954) [Google Scholar]) wrote that individuation “gathers the world to oneself” rather than shutting one out from the world (p. 136). This is an aspect of the journey toward wholeness that is especially relevant in our current era of climate crisis.

By exploring the nigredo and the albedo deeply, we can begin to see the many shades of blue that lie underneath. These blues, and the idea of feeling blue, offer a pathway to empathy and understanding through our shared grief. With a careful examination of The Red Book: Liber Novus (Jung, 2009 Jung, C. G. (2009). The red book: Liber novus (S. Shamdasani, Ed.). Norton. [Google Scholar]), after a time of traumatic ambiguous loss, and amplified with the images of ice in our warming world, this paper takes a paradoxical journey. From the blues of the Arctic ice to the bright red of Liber Novus, this black and white path becomes illuminated with a variety of colors. This expanded, empathetic view of the complex image of ice brings with it the gift of the rubedo, a renewed hope born out of death, grief, and chaos.



在他生命的后期,卡尔·古斯塔夫·荣格对作为个体化旅程的象征性代表的炼金术过程越来越感兴趣。通过关注nigredoalbedo的阶段,本文扩展了这些步骤在个体化心理过程中的重要性。荣格(1970a 荣格,CG1970a)。关于心灵的本质。在H. ReadM. FordhamG. AdlerW. McGuire (Eds.), CG Jung 文集( RFC Hull , Trans.) (Vol. 8, pp. 159236 )。普林斯顿大学出版社。(原著于 1954 年出版) [Google Scholar])写道,个性化“将世界聚集到自己手中”,而不是把一个人拒之门外(第 136 页)。这是迈向完整性之旅的一个方面,在我们当前的气候危机时代尤为重要。

通过深入探索nigredoalbedo,我们可以开始看到下面的许多蓝色阴影。这些忧郁,以及感觉忧郁的想法,提供了一条通过我们共同的悲伤去同情和理解的途径。仔细研究红皮书:新书(Jung,2009 年) 荣格,CG2009 年)。红皮书:Liber novusS. Shamdasani,Ed.)。诺顿 [Google Scholar]),在经历了一段创伤性的模棱两可的损失之后,随着我们变暖世界中冰的图像的放大,这篇论文走上了一段自相矛盾的旅程。从北极冰的蓝色到Liber Novus,这条黑白相间的路径被各种颜色照亮。这种对冰的复杂形象的扩展、善解人意的观点带来了rubedo,一种从死亡、悲伤和混乱中诞生的新希望。
