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Implications of the Worldwide Appeal of Japanese Anime: Softening the Ground for a Relationship with the Other
Psychological Perspectives Pub Date : 2022-03-07 , DOI: 10.1080/00332925.2021.1996145
John R. Ranyard

Anime (Japanese animated movies) have penetrated the world with an ease of dissemination facilitated by the Internet. The stories, though quite broadly themed, have a predominance of images that promote a warm relationship with the Other. Many stories allow the human characters involved to cross the boundary between this world and the land of the spirits: the unconscious. The fear of the unconscious has been gently eased within the youthful audience captivated by anime. Stories have the ability to heal, and it is my contention that these stories have played a significant role in helping young people to accept others of differing gender identities and various orientations, and have seeded the ground for an acceptance of the unconscious. They make possible a relatedness to the dragon, a relationship that for thousands of years has been characterized by fear and repression. What fairy tales carried for many centuries, these animated films are developing and adapting the fairy tale message to our times and the new possibilities of our nature. They heal our relationship with the Other, with the alien, and with the beyond.



