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Grain Architecture in Bourbon New Spain: On the Design of Guadalajara and Querétaro’s Alhóndigas
Arts Pub Date : 2022-03-07 , DOI: 10.3390/arts11020042
Luis Gordo Peláez 1

During the late colonial period, numerous Novohispanic cities embarked on an unprecedented number of projects aimed at reshaping their urban spaces and improving infrastructures, including new facilities for grain storage and supply. The construction of alhóndigas (public granaries), along with other public works and infrastructures, was further propelled by the implementation of Bourbon reforms in Spanish America and the 1780s reorganization of the colonies into intendencias (provinces), as part of the monarchy’s efforts to improve the colonial administration and economy and centralize royal power. The newly appointed royal officials (intendentes) were instrumental in the implementation of these reforms, overseeing tax collection, promoting economic growth and agricultural production, improving mining, and developing a program of public works to embellish and modernize the urban environments and ameliorate the living conditions of their residents in sanitation, public health, water infrastructure, and food supply. This essay explores the projected alhóndigas for two late colonial Mexican cities and how they engaged with contemporary discussions about the efficacy of public works, the circulation of ideals promoted by enlightened reformers on good governance and civic order, issues of artistic and architectural production, and the transmission of a reformist aesthetic agenda from the center to the provinces of New Spain.


波旁新西班牙的谷物建筑:瓜达拉哈拉和克雷塔罗的 Alhóndigas 的设计

在殖民时期后期,许多新西班牙裔城市开展了数量空前的项目,旨在重塑城市空间和改善基础设施,包括粮食储存和供应的新设施。alhóndigas (公共粮仓)以及其他公共工程和基础设施的建设,在西班牙美洲实施波旁威士忌改革和 1780 年代将殖民地重组为省(省)而得到进一步推动,这君主制改善殖民行政和经济,集中王权。新任命的皇家官员(intententes) 在实施这些改革、监督税收、促进经济增长和农业生产、改善采矿业以及制定公共工程计划以美化和现代化城市环境以及改善居民在卫生、公共设施方面的生活条件方面发挥了重要作用。健康、水利基础设施和食品供应。本文探讨了墨西哥两个晚期殖民城市的预期 alhóndigas,以及它们如何参与当代讨论,这些讨论涉及公共工程的功效、开明的改革者在善治和公民秩序方面推动的理想传播、艺术和建筑生产问题以及将改良主义美学议程从中心传播到新西班牙各省。