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Middle power South Korea’s disaster response contributions: A case of good international citizenship?
International Journal ( IF 2.867 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-03 , DOI: 10.1177/00207020221085740
Alan A. Lachica 1

Middle powers tend to display their expertise in areas where they possess a significant advantage, and this results in the creation of new international norms, especially on non-security issues. Disaster response is one area of international relations where middle powers project their images as good international citizens. This article discusses how middle power South Korea has displayed good international citizenship through its various contributions to global disaster response, such as participation in search and rescue operations, management and coordination of relief operations, and funding for humanitarian emergencies. South Korea’s involvement in disaster response is a middle power behaviour that demonstrates good international citizenship by allocating resources for global public goods. South Korea has utilized disaster response as part of its public diplomacy to promote its identity as a middle power and in seeking recognition as a reliable contributor to international development and stability.



