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Sexual and physical revictimization in U.S. military veterans
Journal of Traumatic Stress ( IF 3.952 ) Pub Date : 2022-03-01 , DOI: 10.1002/jts.22816
Arielle A J Scoglio 1, 2 , Beth E Molnar 1, 3 , Alisa K Lincoln 1, 3 , John Griffith 3 , Crystal Park 4 , Shane W Kraus 5

The present study examined revictimization, defined as sexual or physical assault in adulthood that followed a history of childhood maltreatment. We aimed to identify factors associated with revictimization over time in a group of U.S. military veterans deployed following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks (9/11). As revictimization is associated with multiple negative mental health outcomes in the literature, identifying risk and protective factors can aid in the prevention of revictimization and associated poor health outcomes among veterans. In this sample, the proportion of adult revictimization was 2.7% for men, 95% CI [2.0, 3.6] and 22.9% for women, 95% CI [20.5, 25.8]. Using multilevel logistic models, we found that women, β = 2.2, < .001; Navy veterans, β = 1.5, < .001; and participants who reported posttraumatic stress symptoms, β = 0.2, = .028, were at significantly higher risk of revictimization across time compared to nonrevictimized counterparts. Social support while in the military was protective, β = −0.1, < .001, against revictimization. In addition, childhood abuse experiences combined with characteristics such as female gender were related to an increased risk of revictimization during and following military service. The findings highlight opportunities for intervention and areas of strength within this population; social connection garnered during military service may serve as a protective factor against revictimization. Future research is needed to examine the role of social support in possibly lowering veterans’ risk of revictimization over time, particularly for post-9/11 veterans struggling with transitioning from military to civilian life.



本研究检查了再次受害,定义为在童年虐待史之后的成年期性或身体攻击。我们的目的是在 2001 年 9 月 11 日恐怖袭击 (9/11) 之后部署的一组美国退伍军人中确定与再次受害相关的因素。由于文献中再次受害与多种负面的心理健康结果相关,识别风险和保护因素有助于预防退伍军人再次受害和相关的不良健康结果。在这个样本中,男性再次受害的比例为 2.7%,95% CI [2.0, 3.6],女性为 22.9%,95% CI [20.5, 25.8]。使用多级逻辑模型,我们发现女性,β = 2.2, < .001;海军退伍军人,β = 1.5,< .001; 报告创伤后应激症状的参与者,β = 0.2, = .028,与未再次受害的同行相比,在一段时间内再次受害的风险显着更高。在军队中的社会支持是保护性的,β = -0.1,< .001,反对再次受害。此外,童年受虐经历与女性性别等特征相结合,与服兵役期间和服兵役后再次受害的风险增加有关。调查结果突出了该人群中干预的机会和优势领域;服兵役期间获得的社会联系可以作为防止再次受害的保护因素。未来的研究需要研究社会支持在降低退伍军人再次受害风险中的作用,特别是对于 9/11 后努力从军队过渡到平民生活的退伍军人。