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High Rates of Anxiety Among Adolescents in a Partial Hospitalization Program
Child & Youth Care forum ( IF 2.203 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-24 , DOI: 10.1007/s10566-022-09680-2
Michelle Pelcovitz 1 , Shannon Bennett 1 , Payal Desai 2 , Jennifer Schild 1 , Renae Beaumont 1 , John Walkup 3 , David Shaffer 4 , Angela Chiu 1


Anxiety disorders are garnering increasing attention for their contribution to high-risk issues and functional impairment. Adolescents are typically admitted to partial hospitalization programs (PHPs) due to high-risk presentations. However, the frequency of anxiety disorders in PHPs is not well-established, in part because anxiety can be overlooked in acute settings due to limited lengths of stay and focus on stabilization.


This study aims to evaluate the frequency and severity of anxiety disorders among a sample of adolescent PHP patients to assess the need for anxiety-specific assessment and interventions in higher acuity settings.


Participants were 158 youths ages 13 to 19 years old (M = 15.49 years, SD = 1.50) who were admitted to an adolescent PHP and their caregivers. Clinician-reported diagnostic information was collected from the youth’s electronic medical record, and self- and caregiver-rated severity of anxiety was collected using the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotions Disorders (SCARED-C/P). Frequency of anxiety and related disorder diagnoses and self- and caregiver-reported severity were assessed using descriptive statistical methods.


75% of participants were diagnosed with an anxiety disorder (n = 118). On average, participants with anxiety disorders had elevated SCARED-C scores. Youths with depressive disorders had elevated SCARED-C scores even when they did not carry anxiety disorder diagnoses. Caregiver ratings of the youth’s anxiety symptoms on the SCARED-P were elevated when youths had anxiety disorders.


These findings suggest that anxiety is common in an adolescent PHP setting and support investing in evidence-based assessment and treatment of anxiety in high-acuity settings.




焦虑症因其对高风险问题和功能障碍的贡献而受到越来越多的关注。由于高风险的表现,青少年通常被纳入部分住院计划 (PHP)。然而,PHP 中焦虑症的发生频率尚未确定,部分原因是由于住院时间有限和专注于稳定,在急性环境中可能会忽视焦虑。


本研究旨在评估青少年 PHP 患者样本中焦虑症的频率和严重程度,以评估在更高敏锐度环境中进行特定焦虑评估和干预的必要性。


参与者是 158 名年龄在 13 至 19 岁之间的青少年(M = 15.49 岁,SD = 1.50),他们被收治到青少年 PHP 及其照顾者那里。临床医生报告的诊断信息是从青少年的电子病历中收集的,并使用儿童焦虑相关情绪障碍筛查 (SCARED-C/P) 收集自我和照顾者评定的焦虑严重程度。使用描述性统计方法评估焦虑和相关疾病诊断的频率以及自我和照顾者报告的严重程度。


75% 的参与者被诊断出患有焦虑症 (n = 118)。平均而言,患有焦虑症的参与者的 SCARED-C 评分较高。患有抑郁症的青少年即使没有诊断出焦虑症,其 SCARED-C 分数也会升高。当青少年患有焦虑症时,照顾者对 SCARED-P 青少年焦虑症状的评分会升高。


这些发现表明,焦虑在青少年 PHP 环境中很常见,并支持在高敏度环境中投资于基于证据的焦虑评估和治疗。
