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Losing the lottery of life: Examining intuitions of desert toward the socially and genetically “unlucky” in criminal punishment contexts
Behavioral Sciences & the Law ( IF 2.568 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-22 , DOI: 10.1002/bsl.2563
Colleen M Berryessa 1

This research presents three experiments that examine how natural “luck” (social and genetic luck) may affect lay intuitions toward desert-based criminal punishment. Study 1 examined if intuitions surrounding desert-based rewards in relation to good qualities/advantages ascribed to natural luck would extend to desert-based punishments in relation to bad qualities/disadvantages ascribed to natural luck. Study 2 examined how both social and genetic luck affect support for desert-based punishment across different criminal offenses and tests the relevance of immanent justice reasoning to such support. Study 3 examined whether findings in the prior studies are specific to desert-based punishment and immanent justice reasoning, or if natural luck elicits broader punishment judgments and types of justice reasoning. Results showed that known intuitions surrounding desert-based rewards do extend to desert-based punishments in instances of natural luck. Immanent justice reasoning was strongly associated with support for desert-based punishment in instances of both social and genetic luck. However, genetic luck, as compared to social luck, significantly increased support for desert-based punishment, with imminent justice reasoning mediating this increased support. Implications are discussed in relation to capital sentencing and better understanding lay intuitions toward the punishment of criminal offenders who may have qualities ascribed to the “natural lottery.”



这项研究提出了三个实验来检验自然“运气”(社会和遗传运气)如何影响对基于应得的刑事处罚的非专业直觉。研究 1 检查了围绕应得奖励与归因于自然运气的良好品质/优势相关的直觉是否会扩展到与归因于自然运气的不良品质/劣势相关的基于应得的惩罚。研究 2 检验了社会运气和基因运气如何影响不同刑事犯罪对应得惩罚的支持,并检验内在正义推理与这种支持的相关性。研究 3 检验了先前研究中的发现是否特定于基于应得的惩罚和内在正义推理,或者自然运气是否会引发更广泛的惩罚判断和正义推理类型。结果表明,在自然运气的情况下,围绕基于应得的奖励的已知直觉确实扩展到基于应得的惩罚。在社会和基因运气的情况下,内在正义推理与支持基于应得的惩罚密切相关。然而,与社会运气相比,基因运气显着增加了对基于应得的惩罚的支持,迫在眉睫的正义推理调解了这种增加的支持。讨论了与死刑有关的含义,并更好地理解对惩罚可能具有“自然彩票”品质的刑事罪犯的直觉。在社会和基因运气的情况下,内在正义推理与支持基于应得的惩罚密切相关。然而,与社会运气相比,基因运气显着增加了对基于应得的惩罚的支持,迫在眉睫的正义推理调解了这种增加的支持。讨论了与死刑有关的含义,并更好地理解对惩罚可能具有“自然彩票”品质的刑事罪犯的直觉。在社会和基因运气的情况下,内在正义推理与支持基于应得的惩罚密切相关。然而,与社会运气相比,基因运气显着增加了对基于应得的惩罚的支持,迫在眉睫的正义推理调解了这种增加的支持。讨论了与死刑有关的含义,并更好地理解对惩罚可能具有“自然彩票”品质的刑事罪犯的直觉。