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Sketching in-vehicle ambient lighting in virtual reality with the Wizard-of-Oz method
Digital Creativity Pub Date : 2022-02-22 , DOI: 10.1080/14626268.2022.2039716
Taesu Kim 1 , Aigerim Shunayeva 1 , Gyunpyo Lee 1 , Hyeon-Jeong Suk 1


Designers desire to sketch their concepts and produce prototypes in a real-time setting. This study developed a virtual reality (VR) supported lighting sketch tool for vehicle interior designers. The tool incorporated lighting design with drag-and-drop functionality and high-definition vehicle rendering. The tool also used the Wizard-of-Oz method to help design participants easily immerse themselves into the design tasks. Six designers participated in two consecutive hour-long design workshops to evaluate the design tool. Each designer sketched eight scenarios, and the workshop gathered 48 design outcomes. In addition, a thirty-minute post-interview evaluated usability, the immersive experience of the virtual environment, and the expected role of the wizard. Finally, thematic coding was used on both workshop and post-interview verbal records to further evaluate the tool's compatibility. As a result, three vital roles of the tool were identified. First, the tool encouraged the iteration process. The tool also gave realistic design-practice experiences and would be suitable for sketching lighting in the workplace. Finally, the tool allowed designers to immerse themselves in the design space. This research anticipates a well-illustrated virtual context and situations that invite designers into an inspirational lighting design workplace.




设计师希望在实时环境中勾勒出他们的概念并制作原型。本研究为汽车内饰设计师开发了一种支持虚拟现实 (VR) 的照明草图工具。该工具将照明设计与拖放功能和高清车辆渲染相结合。该工具还使用绿野仙踪方法帮助设计参与者轻松地沉浸在设计任务中。六位设计师连续参加了两个小时的设计研讨会,以评估设计工具。每位设计师勾勒出八个场景,研讨会收集了 48 个设计成果。此外,一个 30 分钟的采访后评估了可用性、虚拟环境的沉浸式体验以及向导的预期角色。最后,专题编码用于研讨会和采访后的口头记录,以进一步评估该工具的兼容性。结果,确定了该工具的三个重要角色。首先,该工具鼓励迭代过程。该工具还提供了逼真的设计实践体验,适用于在工作场所绘制照明草图。最后,该工具使设计师能够沉浸在设计空间中。这项研究预计将邀请设计师进入一个鼓舞人心的照明设计工作场所的一个很好说明的虚拟环境和情况。最后,该工具使设计师能够沉浸在设计空间中。这项研究预计将邀请设计师进入一个鼓舞人心的照明设计工作场所的一个很好说明的虚拟环境和情况。最后,该工具使设计师能够沉浸在设计空间中。这项研究预计将邀请设计师进入一个鼓舞人心的照明设计工作场所的一个很好说明的虚拟环境和情况。
