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A service evaluation of the Behavioural Treatment for Substance Abuse (BTSA) programme for forensic dual diagnosis populations
Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice ( IF 0.915 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-22 , DOI: 10.1080/24732850.2021.2017551
Lara Arsuffi 1 , Nadja Scarborough 2


Literature links mental health problems comorbid with substance abuse with increased recovery time. There is limited research evaluating the effectiveness of substance abuse treatments for dual-diagnosis patients. This project aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the BTSA group with this population. Questionnaires measuring motivation, locus of control, confidence to abstain and self-efficacy were administered to six different cohorts of BTSA participants (N = 38) at baseline, post, and follow-up stages. In addition, participants from the most recent BTSA cohort (N = 4) attended a post-program focus group, to provide information about their experiences of the intervention. Statistical analyses revealed that participants’ confidence in their ability to manage substance abuse was significantly higher post group, but the hypotheses that there would also be significant improvements in participants’ self-efficacy, motivation, and locus of control following completion of the program were not supported. Thematic analysis identified three key themes relevant to participants, namely validation, psychoeducation and identifying progress. This project provided valuable insights into participants’ experiences of the group, highlighting what they had gained form the intervention, and the impact on them from having Recovery Champions working in conjunction with NHS staff to facilitate the intervention. Limitations are discussed, alongside recommendations for improving the program.


对法医双重诊断人群的药物滥用行为治疗 (BTSA) 计划的服务评估


文献将心理健康问题与药物滥用共病与恢复时间延长联系起来。评估药物滥用治疗对双重诊断患者有效性的研究有限。该项目旨在评估 BTSA 小组对该人群的有效性。在基线、后期和后续阶段,对六个不同的 BTSA 参与者队列 (N = 38) 进行了测量动机、控制点、弃权的信心和自我效能的问卷调查。此外,来自最近 BTSA 队列的参与者 (N = 4) 参加了一个项目后焦点小组,以提供有关他们的干预经验的信息。统计分析显示,参与者对其管理药物滥用能力的信心在组后明显更高,但参与者的自我效能感、动机和控制点在完成项目后也会有显着改善的假设没有得到支持。主题分析确定了与参与者相关的三个关键主题,即验证、心理教育和确定进展。该项目提供了对参与者小组经验的宝贵见解,突出了他们从干预中获得的收获,以及让恢复冠军与 NHS 工作人员合作以促进干预对他们的影响。讨论了局限性以及改进程序的建议。主题分析确定了与参与者相关的三个关键主题,即验证、心理教育和确定进展。该项目提供了对参与者小组经验的宝贵见解,突出了他们从干预中获得的收获,以及让恢复冠军与 NHS 工作人员合作以促进干预对他们的影响。讨论了局限性以及改进程序的建议。主题分析确定了与参与者相关的三个关键主题,即验证、心理教育和确定进展。该项目提供了对参与者小组经验的宝贵见解,突出了他们从干预中获得的收获,以及让恢复冠军与 NHS 工作人员合作以促进干预对他们的影响。讨论了局限性以及改进程序的建议。
