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The Neotectonics of the Northern Sikhote-Alin and Adjacent Territories and its Reflection in the Self-Similarity Pattern of the Stream Network
Moscow University Geology Bulletin Pub Date : 2022-02-21 , DOI: 10.3103/s0145875221060077
D. A. Simonov 1 , V. S. Zakharov 1 , G. Z. Gilmanova 2 , A. N. Didenko 2, 3

Abstract—Morphostructural analysis of the topography and the analysis of the drainage network self-similarity of the Northern Sikhote-Alin and adjacent territories has been carried out. The topography of the studied territory has an inherited nature; it was formed in several phases during the neotectonic stage. The most intense vertical movements occurred at the beginning of the neotectonic stage. The intensity of vertical movements decreased significantly in the Pleistocene, when the modern erosion-denudation landforms were formed. At the final stages of neotectonic evolution (at the end of the Pleistocene–Holocene), there was a slight activation of vertical movements that caused structural changes and the emergence of structures with an NNE stretch, which was reflected in the features of the residual relief. The areas with elevated residual relief coincide with areas of increased seismicity in the region. The proposed modification of the complex self-similarity parameter PRNS shows better correlation with the latest (youngest) movements detected by the morphostructural method. Zones of maximum PRNS values coincide with the areas of greatest relief increment, and zones of minimum PRNS coincide with areas either with the smallest relief increment, or with most significant erosion. The self-similarity characteristics obtained for the river network are mainly comparable with the manifestations of vertical tectonic movements at the final neotectonic stages.



摘要——开展了北锡霍特-阿林及邻近地区地形地貌结构分析和排水管网自相似性分析。研究区域的地形具有继承性;它是在新构造阶段分几个阶段形成的。最强烈的垂直运动发生在新构造阶段初期。更新世形成现代剥蚀地貌,垂向运动强度明显减弱。在新构造演化的最后阶段(更新世-全新世末期),垂直运动略有激活,引起构造变化,出现了具有NNE伸展的构造,这反映在残余浮雕的特征上. 剩余地势升高的地区与该地区地震活动增加的地区相吻合。对复杂自相似参数 PRNS 的拟议修改显示出与形态结构方法检测到的最新(最年轻)运动的更好相关性。PRNS 值最大的区域与地势增量最大的区域重合,PRNS 值最小的区域与地势增量最小的区域或侵蚀最显着的区域重合。获得的河网自相似特征主要与新构造末期垂向构造运动的表现形式具有可比性。对复杂自相似参数 PRNS 的拟议修改显示出与形态结构方法检测到的最新(最年轻)运动的更好相关性。PRNS 值最大的区域与地势增量最大的区域重合,PRNS 值最小的区域与地势增量最小的区域或侵蚀最显着的区域重合。获得的河网自相似特征主要与新构造末期垂向构造运动的表现形式具有可比性。对复杂自相似参数 PRNS 的拟议修改显示出与形态结构方法检测到的最新(最年轻)运动的更好相关性。PRNS 值最大的区域与地势增量最大的区域重合,PRNS 值最小的区域与地势增量最小的区域或侵蚀最显着的区域重合。获得的河网自相似特征主要与新构造末期垂向构造运动的表现形式具有可比性。
