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Gender, “masculinity,” and “femininity”: A meta-analytic review of gender differences in agency and communion.
Psychological Bulletin ( IF 22.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-20 , DOI: 10.1037/bul0000343
Ning Hsu , Katie L. Badura , Daniel A. Newman , Mary Eve P. Speach

Agency and communion are gender-stereotypical traits, which were explicitly designed to capture desirable attributes of men and women, respectively. Whereas the existence of gender gaps in agency and communion is commonly known, it remains unknown what the average magnitude, stability (over time and developmental age), and variability (across cultures, sampling strategies, and measures) of these gender differences are. Consistent with social role theory (Eagly, 1987; Wood & Eagly, 2012), the current meta-analysis estimated that men tended to be more agentic than women (g = 0.40, k = 928 samples, N = 254,731 participants), whereas women tended to be more communal than men (g = −0.56, k = 937 samples, N = 254,465 participants). Moderator analyses revealed that these gender differences in agency and communion have been decreasing over time. The gender gap in communion decreased with age but increased with country-level gender occupational segregation. Further, the gender gap in agency was larger when sampling participants as couples (vs. sampling as individuals), and the gaps in both agency and communion were larger in heterosexual (vs. gay/lesbian and bisexual) samples. An important methodological moderator was measurement instrument (e.g., short-form Bem Sex Role Inventory shows much smaller gender gaps than the long-form). Altogether, we leveraged a large database to reveal effects consistent with social role theory—that men are higher in agency (masculinity) and women are higher in communion (femininity)—while simultaneously offering insight into factors (earlier time period, occupational segregation, younger age, sampling in couples, heterosexual orientation) that serve to exacerbate such effects.



代理和交流是性别刻板印象的特征,它们被明确设计为分别捕捉男性和女性的理想属性。虽然在代理和交流中存在性别差距是众所周知的,但这些性别差异的平均幅度、稳定性(随着时间和发育年龄)和可变性(跨文化、抽样策略和测量)是多少仍然未知。与社会角色理论(Eagly,1987;Wood & Eagly,2012)一致,当前的荟萃分析估计男性往往比女性更能动(g = 0.40,k = 928 个样本,N = 254,731 名参与者),而女性往往比男性更具有公共性(g = -0.56,k = 937 个样本,N = 254,465 名参与者)。主持人分析显示,随着时间的推移,这些在代理和交流方面的性别差异一直在减少。交流中的性别差距随着年龄的增长而缩小,但随着国家层面的性别职业隔离而增加。此外,在对参与者进行夫妻抽样时(与作为个人抽样相比),能动性方面的性别差距更大,而在异性恋(与男同性恋/女同性恋和双性恋)样本中,能动性和交流方面的差距更大。一个重要的方法调节器是测量工具(例如,短格式的 Bem 性别角色清单显示的性别差距比长格式的要小得多)。总而言之,我们利用一个大型数据库来揭示与社会角色理论一致的影响——男性的能动性更高(男性气质),女性的交流能力更高(女性气质)——同时提供对因素(早期时期、职业隔离、年轻年龄,夫妻抽样,