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Forage yield, competition and economic benefit of intercropping cactus and millet with mulch in a semi-arid environment
African Journal of Range & Forage Science ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-17 , DOI: 10.2989/10220119.2021.2016967
Marcondes de Sá Souza 1 , George do Nascimento Araújo Júnior 1 , Luciana Sandra Bastos de Souza 1 , Alexandre Maniçoba da Rosa Ferraz Jardim 1 , Gabriel Italo Novaes da Silva 1 , Gherman Garcia Leal de Araújo 2 , Fleming Sena Campos 2 , Maurício Luiz de Mello Vieira Leite 1 , José Nildo Tabosa 3 , Thieres George Freire da Silva 1

This study aimed to quantify forage yield, economic performance, biological efficiency and competitive ability in cactus intercropped with millet, compared with their monocrops, both with and without mulch, under irrigation. The experiment was conducted over two years in semi-arid of Brazil. The experimental design was of randomised blocks with four replications and six treatments: monocropped cactus without mulch; monocropped cactus with mulch; monocropped millet without mulch; monocropped millet with mulch and cactus intercropped with millet, with and without mulch. The individual yields of fresh (270 t ha−1) and dry (23 t ha−1) matter in the cactus were not affected by the mulch or by intercropping. Mulching improved the individual yields of fresh (69.7 t ha−1) and dry (23.4 t ha−1) matter in the monocropped millet. Total dry matter was greater in the intercropping systems, both with (32.8 t ha−1) and without (31.4 t ha−1) mulching, being the average monetary advantage index equal to 8 404 BRL ha−1. The cactus-millet configuration, irrespective of the use of mulch, but irrigated in dry environments or during dry periods of the year, is more advantageous than the monocrops, because it promotes gains in production and food diversity for meeting the demand of the herd.



本研究旨在量化仙人掌与小米间作的饲料产量、经济表现、生物效率和竞争能力,并与单作作物(无论是否有覆盖物)在灌溉条件下进行比较。该实验在巴西半干旱地区进行了两年多。实验设计为随机区组,具有四次重复和六种处理:单作仙人掌,无覆盖物;带覆盖物的单作仙人掌;没有覆盖物的单作小米;带覆盖物的单作小米以及与小米间作的仙人掌,带或不带覆盖物。仙人掌新鲜物质(270 t ha -1)和干物质(23 t ha -1 )的单独产量不受覆盖物或间作的影响。覆盖提高了鲜果的单产(69.7 t ha −1)和单作小米中的干物质(23.4 t ha -1 )。间作系统的干物质总量较高,无论是覆盖(32.8 t ha -1)还是不覆盖(31.4 t ha -1),平均货币优势指数等于 8 404 BRL ha -1。仙人掌-小米配置,无论是否使用覆盖物,但在干燥环境或一年中干旱时期进行灌溉,比单一作物更有利,因为它可以促进产量和食物多样性的增长,以满足畜群的需求。
