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News Story Credibility and the Impact of Dominant News Frames on Attitudes toward Refugees: Are Young People More Receptive to News than Adults?
European Journal of Communication ( IF 2.463 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-10 , DOI: 10.1177/02673231221077847
Marlies Debrael 1 , Willem Joris 1 , Leen d’Haenens 1

The predominant frames in news media representations of migration issues shape attitudes towards refugees. Being mostly confronted with negative news frames, people may be less inclined to believe stories that stress positive aspects of immigration. However, the frames’ positive implementation hinges on their presumed credibility. The aim of this study is to better understand both how young and adult Flemings perceive dominant news frames concerning refugees and how they are affected by them. We distinguish between young people and adults since they differ in their news media use, news attitudes, and opinion towards refugees. Accordingly, a randomized, post-test, only between-subjects survey experiment was conducted (N = 2424). Our results show that young people are more receptive than adults to media messages, regardless of a positive or negative connotation. Furthermore, our study confirms that the perceived credibility of a news frame is associated with the audience’s attitudes to migration, since an audience demonstrates a clear tendency to only accept the relevant frames as true, if they align with their own views.Keywords: Framing, framing effects, media attitudes, media trust, newspapers, refugee attitudes



新闻媒体报道移民问题的主要框架塑造了对难民的态度。由于大多面临负面新闻框架,人们可能不太愿意相信强调移民积极方面的故事。然而,框架的积极实施取决于其假定的可信度。本研究的目的是更好地了解年轻和成年弗莱明人如何看待有关难民的主要新闻框架以及他们如何受到这些框架的影响。我们区分年轻人和成年人,因为他们在新闻媒体使用、新闻态度和对难民的看法方面存在差异。因此,进行了一项随机、后测、仅受试者间调查实验(N = 2424)。我们的研究结果表明,无论是正面还是负面的内涵,年轻人都比成年人更容易接受媒体信息。此外,我们的研究证实,新闻框架的感知可信度与观众对迁移的态度相关,因为观众表现出一种明显的倾向,即只接受与他们自己的观点一致的相关框架。关键词:框架,框架效应、媒体态度、媒体信任、报纸、难民态度
