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Teachers’ Beliefs and Their Students’ Progress in Professional Development
Journal of Teacher Education ( IF 4.130 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-09 , DOI: 10.1177/00224871221075275
Emily Rodgers 1 , Jerome D’Agostino 1 , Rebecca Berenbon 1 , Clara Mikita 1 , Christa Winkler 1 , Mollie E. Wright 1

We respond to calls for more research to address whether and how successful professional development (PD) experiences (defined here in terms of student progress) are related to changes in teacher beliefs, specifically about effective literacy instruction for young struggling readers. We developed a measure, a Teacher Belief Score, to identify teacher beliefs present in interview data and we used student achievement data to create two contrasting groups of teachers, those whose students had lower progress and those who had higher. While initially in the fall, lower progress and higher progress teachers differed little in their alignment of beliefs with program features; over time, higher progress teachers trended toward beliefs that were aligned with program features, whereas lower progress teachers trended away. Findings suggest the need for an additional component to Guskey’s model of teacher change: attributing student progress to the new instructional practices learned in PD.



我们响应呼吁进行更多研究,以解决成功的专业发展 (PD) 体验(此处定义为学生进步)是否以及如何与教师信念的变化相关,特别是关于为年轻苦苦挣扎的读者提供有效的识字教学。我们开发了一种衡量标准,即教师信念分数,以识别面试数据中存在的教师信念,我们使用学生成绩数据创建了两组对比鲜明的教师,学生进步较低的教师和学生进步较高的教师。虽然最初是在秋季,但较低进步和较高进步的教师在信念与项目特征的一致性方面差别不大;随着时间的推移,进步较高的教师倾向于与项目特点相一致的信念,而进步较低的教师则趋向于远离。
