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The Vordingborg Boat: Investigation, Presentation and Interpretation of a 14th-Century Boat-Find from Vordingborg Castle, Denmark
International Journal of Nautical Archaeology Pub Date : 2021-07-29 , DOI: 10.1080/10572414.2021.1943406
Aoife Daly 1 , Arne Jouttijärvi 2 , Lars Meldgaard Sass Jensen 3 , Tom Nicolajsen 4 , Morten Ravn 4


In 2012, a mechanical excavator unearthed the remains of a 14th-century boat while restoring the moat at Vordingborg Castle, Denmark. The boat-find was documented and both dendrochronological and metallurgical investigations were conducted. The trees that were used to build the boat were felled 1355–1366 in the region around Gdańsk, Poland. However, the building of the boat was probably conducted near Vordingborg Castle in the second half of the 14th century. It is suggested that the boat was built, mainly using imported leftover materials originally intended for crafting the castle’s interior features. Concluding the article, we discuss 14th-century Baltic timber trade.


沃尔丁堡船:从丹麦沃尔丁堡城堡发现的 14 世纪船只的调查、展示和解释


2012 年,一台机械挖掘机在丹麦沃尔丁堡城堡修复护城河时挖掘出了一艘 14 世纪船只的残骸。记录了船的发现,并进行了树木年代学和冶金学调查。用于建造这艘船的树木于 1355-1366 年在波兰格但斯克周围地区被砍伐。然而,这艘船的建造可能是在 14 世纪下半叶在沃尔丁堡城堡附近进行的。建议建造这艘船,主要使用进口的边角料,最初用于制作城堡的内部特征。在文章的结尾,我们讨论了 14 世纪的波罗的海木材贸易。
