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Care across divides: militant abortion and film around the Veil Law
French Screen Studies Pub Date : 2022-02-11 , DOI: 10.1080/26438941.2021.2003119
Grace An 1


During the years that preceded the legalisation of abortion in France by la loi Veil in 1975, feminists and activist doctors provided women alternative modes of reproductive care and advocacy. Militant and documentary filmmakers captured these developments in films such as Y’a qu’à pas baiser ! (Carole Roussopoulos and Vidéo Out, 1971–1973), Histoires d’A (Charles Belmont and Marielle Issartel, 1974) and Regarde, elle a les yeux grand ouverts (Yann Le Masson, 1982). While reframing abortion as an act of care and self-governance for women and their families and communities, filmmakers strive to both expand access to and increase safety in abortion practices, while arguing their significance in the socio-economic and political landscape of 1970s France.




在 1975 年la loi Veil在法国将堕胎合法化之前的几年里,女权主义者和激进医生为女性提供了替代的生殖保健和宣传模式。激进分子和纪录片制作人在Y'a qu'à pas baiser等电影中捕捉到了这些发展趋势!(Carole Roussopoulos and Vidéo Out, 1971–1973), Histoires d'A (Charles Belmont and Marielle Issartel, 1974) and Regarde, elle a les yeux grand ouverts(扬·勒·马松,1982 年)。在将堕胎重新定义为对妇女及其家庭和社区的关怀和自治行为的同时,电影制片人努力扩大堕胎实践的可及性并提高其安全性,同时论证其在 1970 年代法国的社会经济和政治格局中的重要性。
