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The effects of a group-deposit prize draw on the step counts of sedentary and low active adults
Behavioral Interventions ( IF 1.269 ) Pub Date : 2022-02-07 , DOI: 10.1002/bin.1869
Alex J. McCurdy 1 , Matthew P. Normand 1

Approximately 78% of American adults do not engage in enough physical activity, which is problematic because physical activity is positively correlated with beneficial health outcomes. Contingency management (CM) interventions have been shown to produce clinically significant behavior change across a range of target behaviors and populations, including physical activity. Both prize-based and deposit-contract CM interventions work well and decrease the costs associated with intervention, but they can decrease the magnitude of potential payouts. The current study used a prize-based CM intervention combined with a deposit contract in which each participant deposited money that was pooled in the prize system for all participants. This increased the potential magnitude of reinforcement while keeping costs low for each participant. Four obese and two healthy weight adults participated in the CM intervention, which was introduced according to a single-case reversal design. Overall, participants took more steps during intervention than during baseline, with four participants regularly taking 10,000 or more steps during intervention.



大约 78% 的美国成年人没有进行足够的体育锻炼,这是有问题的,因为体育锻炼与有益的健康结果呈正相关。应急管理 (CM) 干预措施已被证明可以在一系列目标行为和人群(包括身体活动)中产生具有临床意义的行为改变。基于奖金和存款合同的 CM 干预都运作良好,并降低了与干预相关的成本,但它们可以降低潜在支出的幅度。目前的研究使用了基于奖励的 CM 干预与存款合同相结合,其中每个参与者存入资金,这些资金汇集在所有参与者的奖金系统中。这增加了潜在的强化幅度,同时保持每个参与者的低成本。四名肥胖和两名体重健康的成年人参与了 CM 干预,该干预是根据单病例逆转设计引入的。总体而言,参与者在干预期间比基线期间采取了更多的步骤,其中四名参与者在干预期间经常采取 10,000 或更多步骤。