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The Intersectionality of Deservingness for State Support
Public Administration Review ( IF 8.144 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-19 , DOI: 10.1111/puar.13466
Michaela Assouline 1 , Sharon Gilad 2

Studies of the ramifications of client race and ethnicity for bureaucrats' judgments treat minority status as homogenous. Yet, individual identity does not boil down to race or ethnicity. Members of racial and ethnic minority groups likely vary in their experiences and capacity to overcome the negative sentiments and stereotypes that burden their inherited group. To transcend unidimensional explanations, we combine Van Oorschot's deservingness framework and a gendered lens to study how the intersection of group identity and gender, as well as individuals' work history, co-shape bureaucrats' categorization of clients. Empirically, we analyze Israeli professionals' categorization of applicants for state benefits, comparing their assessments of men and women of three social groups: the Jewish majority, ultra-orthodox Jews, and Muslims. Interpreting the empirical findings, we offer that underlying the effect of applicants' group demographics are perceived cultural affinity to the majority and social contributions that vary with gender.



对客户种族和族裔对官僚判断的影响的研究将少数群体的地位视为同质的。然而,个人身份并不归结为种族或民族。种族和少数族裔群体的成员在克服给他们继承群体带来负担的负面情绪和刻板印象方面的经验和能力可能会有所不同。为了超越一维的解释,我们结合 Van Oorschot 的价值框架和性别视角来研究群体身份和性别的交叉以及个人的工作历史如何共同塑造官僚对客户的分类。根据经验,我们分析了以色列专业人士对国家福利申请人的分类,比较了他们对三个社会群体的男性和女性的评估:犹太人占多数、极端正统的犹太人、和穆斯林。在解释实证研究结果时,我们提出,申请人群体人口统计数据的潜在影响是对大多数人的文化亲和力和随性别而变化的社会贡献。