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Expanding the genetic variation of Brassica juncea by introgression of the Brassica rapa Genome.
Horticulture Research ( IF 8.7 ) Pub Date : 2022-01-19 , DOI: 10.1093/hr/uhab054
Li Zhang 1 , Xiangsheng Li 1 , Lichun Chang 1 , Tianpeng Wang 1 , Jianli Liang 1 , Runmao Lin 1 , Jian Wu 1 , Xiaowu Wang 1

Brassica juncea is an important vegetable and oil crop cultivated worldwide. To increase its genetic variation, we introgressed the A-genome of Brassica rapa into B. juncea. We used three each of heading and semi-heading B. juncea accessions as recipient parents and a B. rapa line, B9008, as the donor parent. We obtained 101 BC1S1 lines in total with expanded phenotypic variations such as leafy head shapes. We developed 132 SNP markers, which could distinguish the A genome of B. juncea from B. rapa genome, and tracked the introgression of B. rapa segments in the new B. juncea germplasm. On average, 59.2% of the B. juncea A genome in the B. juncea introgression lines was covered by the donor segments. We also identified three markers whose donor genotype frequencies were significantly lower than the theoretical value, suggesting strong selection of the recipient genotype during the introgression process. We provide an effective strategy to evaluate the diversity of the new germplasm based on the combination of parental re-sequencing data and marker genotyping results. Further genetic analysis of 1642 SNPs showed that the genetic diversity of the new B. juncea germplasm with the introgressed B. rapa genome was significantly increased. This study illustrated the potential for expanding the genetic diversity of B. juncea through the introgression of the B. rapa genome.



芥菜是世界范围内种植的重要蔬菜和油料作物。为了增加其遗传变异,我们将芸苔的 A 基因组渗入到芥菜中。我们使用抽穗和半抽穗的芥菜种质各三个作为受体亲本,并使用一个油菜品系 B9008 作为供体亲本。我们总共获得了 101 个 BC1S1 系,具有扩展的表型变异,例如多叶的头部形状。我们开发了132个SNP标记,可以区分芥菜A基因组和萝卜基因组,并跟踪芥菜片段在芥菜新种质中的基因渗入。平均而言,芥菜渐渗系中 59.2% 的芥菜 A 基因组被供体片段覆盖。我们还确定了三个标记,其供体基因型频率显着低于理论值,表明在渗入过程中对受体基因型的强烈选择。我们提供了一种基于亲本重测序数据和标记基因分型结果的组合来评估新种质多样性的有效策略。对1642个SNP的进一步遗传分析表明,具有渗入的油菜基因组的芥菜新种质的遗传多样性显着增加。这项研究说明了通过油菜基因组渗入来扩大芥菜遗传多样性的潜力。对1642个SNP的进一步遗传分析表明,具有渗入的油菜基因组的芥菜新种质的遗传多样性显着增加。这项研究说明了通过油菜基因组渗入来扩大芥菜遗传多样性的潜力。对1642个SNP的进一步遗传分析表明,具有渗入的油菜基因组的芥菜新种质的遗传多样性显着增加。这项研究说明了通过油菜基因组渗入来扩大芥菜遗传多样性的潜力。